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[英]Dynamically set the radius of a circle on AngularUI google maps

As the title suggests I want to dynamically change the radius of the circle on my ui-gmap-google-map element, I've tried to use an onChange function on the textbox asking for a radius like so: 正如标题所示,我想在ui-gmap-google-map元素上动态更改圆的半径,我尝试在文本框上使用onChange函数,要求这样的半径:


<label for="distance" style="white-space: nowrap;">Enter a radius</label>
<input type="text" required class="form-control" placeholder="Kilometers" ng-change="setRadius()" name="distance" ng-model="map.marker.circle.radius" />

In my Controller 在我的控制器中

$scope.setRadius = function() {
    $scope.circles.radius = $scope.map.marker.circle.radius * 1000;

I also tried to directly change it in the "circles" array, but again, no result. 我也尝试直接在“圆形”数组中更改它,但同样没有结果。

The circles array 圆数组

$scope.circles = [
            id: 1,
            center: {
                latitude: $scope.map.center.latitude,
                longitude: $scope.map.center.longitude
            radius: $scope.circleRadius,
            stroke: {
                color: '#08B21F',
                weight: 2,
                opacity: 1
            fill: {
                color: '#08B21F',
                opacity: 0.5
            geodesic: true, // optional: defaults to false
            draggable: false, // optional: defaults to false
            clickable: false, // optional: defaults to true
            editable: false, // optional: defaults to false
            visible: true, // optional: defaults to true
            control: {}

The function to change radius 改变半径的功能

$scope.setRadius = function() {
    $scope.circleRadius = $scope.map.marker.circle.radius * 1000;

The HTML for the map 地图的HTML

<ui-gmap-google-map center="map.center" zoom="map.zoom">
<ui-gmap-window show="map.window.show" coords="map.window.model" options="map.window.options" closeclick="map.window.closeClick()">


<ui-gmap-circle ng-repeat="c in circles track by c.id" center="c.center" stroke="c.stroke" fill="c.fill" radius="c.radius" visible="c.visible" geodesic="c.geodesic" editable="c.editable" draggable="c.draggable" clickable="c.clickable" control="c.control"></ui-gmap-circle>

I have simply fixed this by setting the radius directly in the circles array (I don't feel like this is the best practise, but it works. 我只是简单地通过直接在circles数组中设置半径来解决此问题(我不认为这是最好的做法,但确实可行。

To clarify: When the distance gets changed I call the setRadius() function and simply set the radius by calling $scope.circles[0].radius which sets the radius. 需要说明的是:当距离改变时,我调用setRadius()函数并通过调用$scope.circles[0].radius设置半径来简单地设置半径。

Nothing else needed 不用了

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