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[英]Custom rendering of foreign field in form in django template

In my modelform I have a foreign key, I cannot figure out how to change the appearance of this field in template. 在我的模型窗体中,我有一个外键,我无法弄清楚如何在模板中更改此字段的外观。 I can change the text by changing 我可以通过更改文字来更改


of the model, but how would I make it bold, for example? 型号,但例如,如何将其设为大胆?

in models.py I tried the following but form renders with and all other tags as if they were just text: models.py中,我尝试了以下操作,但是使用和其他所有标签进行表单渲染,就好像它们只是文本一样:

def __unicode__(self):
    u'<b>Name</b>: {}\n<b>Loyal</b>: {}'.format(self.name, self.loyal)

my template.html : 我的template.html

  <form method="post">
    {% csrf_token %}
    {{ form.client|safe}} 
    <input type="submit" value="Save changes" class="btn btn-s btn-success">

doesn't work. 不起作用。

Here is the picture: 这是图片:


Django 1.9 has a format_html function that might be what you are looking for. Django 1.9具有您可能需要的format_html函数。 From the Docs : 文档中

format_html(format_string, *args, **kwargs)

This is similar to str.format(), except that it is appropriate for building up HTML fragments . 这类似于str.format(),除了它适合于构建HTML片段 All args and kwargs are passed through conditional_escape() before being passed to str.format(). 所有的args和kwargs在传递给str.format()之前都要先通过conditional_escape()传递。

For the case of building up small HTML fragments, this function is to be preferred over string interpolation using % or str.format() directly, because it applies escaping to all arguments - just like the template system applies escaping by default. 对于构建较小的HTML片段的情况,此函数比直接使用%或str.format() 进行字符串插补更可取,因为它对所有参数都应用了转义-就像模板系统默认情况下应用了转义一样。

More information here: Prevent django admin from escaping html 此处的更多信息: 防止django管理员转义html

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