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[英]Cannot get data from json-server

I'm making a little project in Backbone.js and I'm running a json-server package to populate it wih some data. 我正在Backbone.js中创建一个小项目,并且正在运行json-server程序包以将其填充一些数据。 I've made a db.json file with data and ran json-server --watch db.json , it started and runs perfectly on localhost:3000 . 我已经用数据制作了一个db.json文件,并运行json-server --watch db.json ,它启动并在localhost:3000上完美运行。 In my Backbone app I have this: 在我的Backbone应用程序中,我有以下内容:

// app/javascripts/collections/resumes.js

define(['backbone', 'models/resume'], function (Backbone, Resume) {
    var ResumesCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
        model: Resume,
        url: 'http://localhost:3000/resumes'
    return ResumesCollection;

// app/javascripts/views/resumes/resume.js

define(['backbone', 'jquery'], function (Backbone, $) {
    var ResumeView = Backbone.View.extend({
        tagName: 'article',
        render: function () {
            return this;
    return ResumeView;

// app/javascripts/views/resumes/index.js

define(['backbone', 'views/resumes/resume'], function (Backbone, ResumeView) {
    var ResumesList = Backbone.View.extend({
        tagName: 'section',
        initialize: function() {
        render: function() {
            var resumesView = this.collection.map(function (cv) {
                return new ResumeView({model: cv}).render().el;
            return this;
    return ResumeList;

this is my app/router.js : 这是我的app/router.js

function (Backbone, ResumesCollection, ResumeView, ResumeList) {
    var AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
        routes: {
            'resumes': 'showAll'
        showAll: function () {
    return AppRouter;

and in app/javascripts/main.js I have this: app/javascripts/main.js我有这个:

    shim: {
        underscore: {
            exports: '_'
        backbone: {
            deps: [
            exports: 'Backbone'

    paths: {
        jquery: '../node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery',
        underscore: '../node_modules/underscore/underscore',
        backbone: '../node_modules/backbone/backbone'

], function (Backbone, $, AppRouter) {
    var Router = new AppRouter();
        pushState: true,
        root: '/'

Also I use Gulp to run a development server on localhost:8080 via gulp-connect and gulp-livereload . 我也使用Gulp通过gulp-livereload gulp-connectgulp-livereloadlocalhost:8080上运行开发服务器。 But when I navigate to localhost:8080/resumes , it returns me Cannot GET /resumes , though there's no errors in console. 但是,当我导航到localhost:8080/resumes Cannot GET /resumes ,尽管控制台中没有错误,但它返回我Cannot GET /resumes What am I doing wrong?+ 我在做什么错?+

With what's provided, we can't pinpoint the exact problem and cause, but let me try to help anyway. 通过所提供的内容,我们无法查明确切的问题和原因,但是无论如何,我还是要尝试提供帮助。

I tried json-server and started it with the following db.json : 我尝试了json-server并使用以下db.json启动它:

    "posts": [{
        "id": 1,
        "title": "json-server",
        "author": "typicode"
    }, {
        "id": 2,
        "title": "This is a test",
        "author": "Emile Bergeron"

Then I made the simplest collection to use it. 然后,我制作了最简单的收藏夹来使用它。

var PostCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
    url: "http://localhost:3000/posts"

var posts = new PostCollection();
    success: function(){

And in my console, I can see: 在控制台中,我可以看到:

["json-server", "This is a test"]

Using it was surprisingly straightforward! 使用它非常简单! So the problem is elsewhere. 因此问题出在其他地方。 Maybe show us the full request (raw data). 也许向我们显示完整的请求(原始数据)。

Fetching a collection 获取收藏

this.collection.fetch(); // this is enough

There's no need to pass { data: { fetch: true, type:"get" } } as it is the default behavior anyway. 无需传递{ data: { fetch: true, type:"get" } }因为它仍然是默认行为。

Chaining function calls 链接函数调用

The following line inside ResumeList will fail: ResumeList的以下行将失败:

return new ResumeView({model: cv}).render().el;

This is because the render function of the ResumeView doesn't return this . 这是因为ResumeViewrender函数不会返回this

Overall, your code looks good. 总体而言,您的代码看起来不错。

If you're going to put the API on another server, thus another domain, take a look at CORS which will be needed to enable js to fetch a different domain. 如果要将API放置在另一台服务器(即另一台域)上,请查看CORS ,这将使js能够获取其他域。

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