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Bootstrap Multiselect未填充

[英]Bootstrap multiselect not populating

I have a bootstrap multiselect dropdown box which gets populated through AJAX. 我有一个引导多选下拉框,它通过AJAX填充。 While I am getting the value from the AJAX I am not able to populate the multiselect dropdown. 当我从AJAX获得价值时,我无法填充multiselect下拉列表。 I have another normal dropdown which uses the same AJAX function and it gets populated. 我还有另一个正常的下拉菜单,它使用相同的AJAX函数,并且已填充。 Am I missing something? 我想念什么吗?

I did check this link which did not work for me Adding form elements dynamically to Bootstrap multiselect library 我确实检查了此链接,该链接对我不起作用。 链接动态添加到Bootstrap multiselect库中

This is the HTML 这是HTML

var lstValue = "";
<select id='sellstValue" + obj.id + "' class='lstvalue' hidden='hidden'>" + lstValue + "</select>

This is my AJAX code 这是我的AJAX代码

var lstvalue = $('#' + rowId).find('.lstvalue').prop('id');
          cache: false,
          url: '@Url.Action("PopulateDropdown", "AdvancedSearch")',
          type: "POST",
          data: { Field: field }
            }).done(function (data) {
           var listb = $('#' + lstvalue);

           $.each(data.value, function (index, value) {
           listb.append($('<option>', {
                 value: value,
                 text: value
                  }, '<option/>'))
            console.log($('#' + lstvalue))

            $('#' + lstvalue).attr('multiple', 'multiple');
            $('#' + lstvalue).multiselect();

I checked the console output of console.log($('#' + lstvalue)) which gives me the expected result. 我检查了console.log($('#'+ lstvalue))的控制台输出,它提供了预期的结果。


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