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从字符串中提取 Python 字典

[英]Extract Python dictionary from string

I have a string with valid python dictionary inside我有一个包含有效 python 字典的字符串

data = "Some string created {'Foo': u'1002803', 'Bar': 'value'} string continue etc."

I need to extract that dict.我需要提取那个字典。 I tried with regex but for some reason re.search(r"\\{(.*?)\\}", data) did not work.我尝试使用正则表达式,但由于某种原因re.search(r"\\{(.*?)\\}", data)不起作用。 Is there any better way extract this dict?有没有更好的方法提取这个字典?

From @AChampion's suggestion. 来自@AChampion的建议。

>>> import re
>>> import ast
>>> x = ast.literal_eval(re.search('({.+})', data).group(0))
>>> x
{'Bar': 'value', 'Foo': '1002803'}

so the pattern you're looking for is re.search('({.+})', data) 所以您要寻找的模式是re.search('({.+})', data)

You were supposed to extract the curly braces with the string, so ast.literal_eval can convert the string to a python dictionary . 您应该使用字符串提取花括号,因此ast.literal_eval可以将字符串转换为python字典。 you also don't need the r prefix as { or } in a capturing group, () would be matched literally. 您也不需要r前缀作为捕获组中的{}()将按字面值进行匹配。

Better way of parsing out the dictionary without having to use eval :无需使用eval即可解析字典的更好方法:

import re
import json

dict_object = json.loads(re.search('({.+})', data).group(0).replace("'", '"'))

Your solution works! 您的解决方案有效!

In [1]: import re

In [2]: data = "Some string created {'Foo': u'1002803', 'Bar': 'value'} string continue etc."

In [3]: a = eval(re.search(r"\{(.*?)\}", data).group(0))

In [4]: a
Out[4]: {'Bar': 'value', 'Foo': u'1002803'}

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