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[英]How to access value from the object within an array?

How can I access Name's value and assign it to an variable?如何访问 Name 的值并将其分配给变量?

var arr = [
    {Name: "Jason", 
    Title: "Student", 
    Image: "asdf", 
    Status: "Happy"}

Try this:尝试这个:

var [{Name: name}] = arr;

This uses ES6 destructuring assignment .这使用 ES6 解构赋值

First, the outermost [] is a way of referring to an array on the right hand side (in this example, arr ).首先,最外面的[]是一种引用右侧数组的方式(在本例中为arr )。 Things placed within these square brackets (here's there's only one) refer to the first, second, and succeeding values of that array.放在这些方括号内的东西(这里只有一个)指的是该数组的第一个、第二个和后续值。 So here, the {Name: name} portion refers to the first (0th) element of the array.所以在这里, {Name: name}部分指的是数组的第一个(第 0 个)元素。 In other words, it is equivalent to换句话说,它等价于

var {Name: name} = arr[0];

The inner {} is a way of referring to objects and picking them apart.内部{}是一种引用对象并将它们分开的方式。 {Name: name} says to find the Name property of the object being picked apart. {Name: name}表示要找到被拾取对象的Name属性。 Then the : name part says to rename it to name .然后: name部分说将其重命名为name Since all this is occurring in the context of a var statement, the result is declare a new variable with the name name and assign the value being picked out to it .由于所有这些都发生在var语句的上下文中,因此结果是声明一个名为name的新变量,并将从中选出的值分配给它

Here's the more detailed sequence:这是更详细的序列:

var            // Start a variable declaration 
  [            // Pick apart an array on the RHS, starting with 1st element
    {          // Pick apart an object
      Name     // Find the property named `Name` in that object
        :name  // Rename it; this is the variable that will be declared!
    }          // Done picking apart the object
  ]            // Done picking apart the array
  = arr;       // Specify the thing to deconstruct

Access the element at index 0 of array using bracket notation, then access property name Name of object using dot or bracket notation使用括号表示法访问数组索引0处的元素,然后使用点或括号表示法访问属性Name对象的Name

var arr = [
    {Name: "Jason", 
    Title: "Student", 
    Image: "asdf", 
    Status: "Happy"}

var name = arr[0].Name; // alternatively, `arr[0]["Name"]`
var arr = [
    {Name: "Jason", 
    Title: "Student", 
    Image: "asdf", 
    Status: "Happy"}
var myname = arr[0]['Name'];

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