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[英]Passing an Expression as a parameter of a filter function in Typescript

Consider the following Typescript function: 考虑以下Typescript函数:

getPeople(): Person[] {
    return model.people;

I'd like to implement it with an embedded filter, which will work based on an Expression that I want to pass as a parameter, more or less like this: 我想用一个嵌入式过滤器来实现它,该过滤器将基于我想作为参数传递的Expression起作用,或多或少是这样的:

getPeopleBy(expression): Person[] {
    return model.people.filter(expression);

var filteredPeople = getPeopleBy(p => p.age < 30);

With Linq and C#, I can do it by accepting a parameter with this syntaxis Expression<Func<EcommerceProduct, bool>> filter 使用Linq和C#,我可以通过使用以下语法接受参数来实现它: Expression<Func<EcommerceProduct, bool>> filter

Is there anything similar in Typescript / Javascript? Typescript / Javascript有什么类似的东西吗?

Disregard (initial answer - leaving it here so people understand the evolution process): 无视(最初的答案-留在这里,以便人们了解进化过程):

Yes, in C# you can do this, but you have to remember TypeScript comes with some sugar syntax that borrows from C#, JavaScript is it's own animal. 是的,在C#中您可以执行此操作,但是您必须记住TypeScript附带了一些糖的语法,这些语法是从C#借用的。

In order to pass an expression, you need to remember that a lamba expression is just a function, so in JS you just have, keys, values (objects) and functions (simple, right?). 为了传递一个表达式,您需要记住,一个lamba表达式只是一个函数,因此在JS中,您只有键,值(对象)和函数(简单,对吧?)。

So to achieve what you want your code should look like this: 因此,要实现所需的代码,应如下所示:

getPeopleBy(expression: Function): Person[] {
    return model.people.filter(expression);

var filteredPeople = getPeopleBy((p: Person) => { return p.age < 30 });

PS: may I also recommend you change the function name to getPeopleWith ? PS:我是否还建议您将函数名称更改为getPeopleWith

as you can see, from a human perspective, it makes much more sense to read: 如您所见,从人类的角度来看,读起来更有意义:

getPeopleWith((p: Person) => { return p.age < 30 });

Basically it's get the people with the age less than 30, easily readable by any person :) 基本上,这使年龄小于30岁的人容易被任何人阅读:)

Update: 更新:

This will offer you the desired result! 这将为您提供所需的结果!

TypeScript Playground Example TypeScript游乐场示例

class People {
    private static people: any[] = [];

    static where(expression: (value: any, index?: number, Array?: any[]) => boolean): 
                                                                            any[] {
        return this.people.filter(expression);

People.where(p => p.age < 30);

Update 2: 更新2:

TypeScript Playground Example using interface definition for callback 使用接口定义进行回调的TypeScript Playground示例

If you need to write a FluentAPI or something bigger and you're tired of dragging along the callbackfn definition, you can also do something like this: 如果您需要编写FluentAPI或更大的东西,而又不愿意拖拉callbackfn定义,则还可以执行以下操作:

interface IFilter {
    value: any;
    index?: number;
    Array?: any[];

class People {
    private static people: any[];

    static where(expression: (IFilter) => boolean): any[] {
        return this.people.filter(expression);

People.where(p => p.age < 30);

Update 3: 更新3:

TypeScript Playground with Type Inference 具有类型推断功能的TypeScript游乐场

And with this you can also get nice IntelliSense, by using templates in the interface :) 这样,您还可以通过在界面中使用模板来获得不错的IntelliSense :)

interface Person {
    age: number;

interface IFilter<T> {
    value: T;
    index?: number;
    Array?: T[];

class People {
    private static people: Person[];

    static where(expression: (IFilter: Person) => boolean): any[] {
        return this.people.filter(expression);

People.where(p => p.age < 30); 

I hope these series of updates help you achieve your goals. 我希望这些系列的更新可以帮助您实现目标。

Check out linq.js, you can find more info here . 查看linq.js,您可以在此处找到更多信息。

With it you can pass a function as parameter to be used as filter. 有了它,您可以传递一个函数作为参数用作过滤器。

Googling around I found out there is also a TS library (as I see you are using TypeScript), you can find it here . 在Google周围进行搜索,我发现还有一个TS库(如我所见,您正在使用TypeScript),您可以在这里找到它。 I have not tested it anyway :) 反正我还没有测试过:)

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