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.coveralls.yml的Paypal PHP SDK功能

[英]Paypal PHP SDK Functionality of .coveralls.yml

I have downloaded https://github.com/paypal/PayPal-PHP-SDK 我已经下载了https://github.com/paypal/PayPal-PHP-SDK

https://github.com/paypal/PayPal-PHP-SDK/blob/master/.coveralls.yml https://github.com/paypal/PayPal-PHP-SDK/blob/master/.coveralls.yml

# .coveralls.yml configuration

# for php-coveralls
src_dir: lib
coverage_clover: build/coverage/clover.xml
json_path: build/coverage/coveralls-upload.json

What is actual functionality of .coveralls.yml file? .coveralls.yml文件的实际功能是.coveralls.yml What is meaning of PHP Code Coverage or Coveralls? PHP Code Coverage或Coveralls是什么意思?

The answer is on the Coveralls home page: 答案在工作服主页上:

We help you deliver code confidently by showing which parts of your code aren't covered by your test suite. 通过显示测试套件未涵盖代码的哪些部分,我们可以帮助您自信地交付代码。

The .coveralls.yml is the configuration file used when determining the percentage of code covered by the tests of the PayPal-PHP-SDK package. .coveralls.yml是确定PayPal-PHP-SDK软件包的测试所涵盖的代码百分比时使用的配置文件。 Sometimes you have to exclude some code, you have to define where the output goes and in which format, you do that in such a configuration file and keep it with your code. 有时,您必须排除一些代码,必须定义输出的位置和格式,然后在这样的配置文件中执行此操作,并将其与代码一起保存。

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