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[英]Firebase Display Data from Database

<button id="all" onclick="button()"> View All </button>

  function button(){
    var userRef = new Firebase("https://addview-c21e6.firebaseio.com/users/");
    userRef.on("value", function(snapshot) {
      // The callback function will get called twice, once for "fred" and once for "barney"
      snapshot.forEach(function(childSnapshot) {
        // key will be "fred" the first time and "barney" the second time
        var key = childSnapshot.key();
        // childData will be the actual contents of the child
        var childData = console.log(childSnapshot.val());
        var para = document.createElement("p");
        var node = document.createTextNode(childSnapshot.val());
        var element = document.getElementById("viewAll");
<div id="viewAll"> </div>

The above code is what I have for my question. 上面的代码就是我要问的问题。 My tree is as follows: I have the root as users, then under that there is the username (ie john) and then under that there are two children.. Name and Age. 我的树如下所示:我具有root用户名,然后在该目录下有用户名(即john),然后在该目录下有两个孩子。名称和年龄。 So essentially I want the viewAll div to have all my data in the database be listed. 因此,基本上我希望viewAll div列出数据库中的所有数据。 So should list: John 15, Jake 16, and so on until it reaches the last user. 所以应该列出:John 15,Jake 16,依此类推,直到到达最后一个用户。 At the moment it is just printing object Object. 目前,它只是打印对象Object。 Where do I go from here? 我从这里去哪里? PS There is more code I'm just not showing it all for simplicity. PS还有更多代码,为了简单起见,我不会全部显示。 I appreciate the help! 感谢您的帮助!

Your childSnapshot.val() should be the JSON object with the username, name and age, assuming each of your user looks something like this: 您的childSnapshot.val()应该是具有用户名,名称和年龄的JSON对象,并假设您的每个用户都看起来像这样:

'fred': { username: 'fred', name: 'Fred Flintstone', age: 45 },
'barney': { username: 'barney', name: 'Barney Rubble', age: 44 }

In your forEach() loop, you should be able to access each of the properties like this: forEach()循环中,您应该能够访问以下每个属性:

var userInfo = childSnapshot.val();
var username = userInfo.username;
var name = userInfo.name;
var age = userInfo.age;

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