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适用于Android和IOS React Native的选项卡栏图标的大小是多少

[英]What is the size of tab bar icon that works for Android and Ios in react native

I want to create custom icons in my tabbar (which created by react-native-router-flux ). 我想在我的标签栏中创建自定义图标(由react-native-router-flux创建 )。 Is there any restriction on the tab bar icon size in Ios and Android? Ios和Android中的标签栏图标大小是否受到限制?

In Ios, the recommended size is 30 x 30 while in Android the suggestion is 24 x 24. 在Ios中,建议尺寸为30 x 30,而在Android中,建议尺寸为24 x 24。

I don't want to create the icons respectively, so I wonder is there icon size that works on both platform. 我不想分别创建图标,所以我想知道在两个平台上都可以使用的图标大小吗?

Different sizes work as well but like you said they wouldn't follow the platform's specific guidelines. 不同的大小也可以使用,但是就像您说的那样,它们不会遵循平台的特定准则。 I would define the icon size like this: 我将这样定义图标大小:

import { Platform } from 'react-native';

const dimensions = {
  iconSize: (Platform.OS === 'ios') ? 30 : 24,

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