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[英]Refreshing contents of div based on drop down selection (custom directive) in Angularjs

I have a custom directive which is very similar to a drop down. 我有一个自定义指令,与下拉菜单非常相似。 Items in the drop down menu are associated with file names of certain videos. 下拉菜单中的项目与某些视频的文件名相关联。 A div below the drop down displays a default video file (I have done this via Videoangular ). 下拉菜单下面的div显示默认视频文件(我已经通过Videoangular完成了此操作 )。

Whenever I make a selection from the drop down menu, I am changing the default variable containing filename (String) to the one I want. 每当我从下拉菜单中进行选择时,我都会将包含文件名(字符串)的默认变量更改为所需的文件名。 But, the same is not reflected in the div. 但是,在div中也没有体现出来。

My objective is to refresh div containing the video with appropriate video whenever a selection is made from the drop down menu. 我的目标是每当从下拉菜单中进行选择时,使用适当的视频刷新包含视频的div。

This is my controller: 这是我的控制器:

        ["$rootScope", "$scope", "$state", "$log", "Restangular",
            function ($rootScope, $scope, $state, $log, Restangular) {

                'use strict';

                var vm  = this;

                //DEFAULT VIDEO FILE NAME
                vm.fields = "WaterCool1";

                this.config = {
                    sources: [
                        {src: "assets/data/"+vm.fields+".mp4", type: "video/mp4"}

                vm.loadPage = loadPage;

                vm.coolingSystemTypeSelector = {coolingSystemTypeSelector:{}};

                        function(objs) {
                            $log.debug("get Cooling System Type", objs);
                            vm.coolingSystemTypeSelector = objs.selector;
                            vm.fields = "WaterCool1";

                            vm.coolingSystemTypeSelector.onSelect = function (selection) {

                                $log.debug("Cooling System Type Selection == ", selection);
                                    vm.fields = "AirCool";
                                }else if(selection.label === "WCC-CT"){
                                    vm.fields = "WaterCool1";
                                }else if(selection.label === "WCC-DC"){
                                    vm.fields = "WaterCool2";


This is my HTML: 这是我的HTML:

  <selector form="form" columns=vm.columns target="vm.coolingSystemTypeSelector"></selector>

<div id="refreshThisDiv">
  <!--I want to refresh this div-->
  <videogular vg-theme="vm.config.theme">

What you need is not to refresh the div. 您不需要刷新div。 You need angular to refresh the div based on you modifying bound properties. 您需要使用角度来基于修改绑定属性来刷新div。

Your declaration of this.config is actually static and you are never modifying the value of this.config.sources src after instantiation. 您对this.config的声明实际上是静态的,并且在实例化之后您绝不会修改this.config.sources src的值。 As that code is running only once it will forever remain as "assets/data/WaterCool1.mp4". 由于该代码仅运行一次,因此将永远保留为“ assets / data / WaterCool1.mp4”。

What you need to do instead at least, is to modify this value upon selection of an option in the drop-down. 您至少需要做的是在下拉菜单中选择一个选项后修改此值。 Something like: 就像是:

// ...
var that = this;

   // ... inside onSelect ...
   if(selection.label==="ACC") {
      that.config.sources = [{src: "assets/data/AirCool.mp4", type: "video/mp4"}];

// ...

Even then, with this code, you might need to trigger a manual $apply as angular may not be aware of your change to the field via this onSelect event handling. 即使那样,使用此代码,您可能仍需要触发手动$ apply,因为angular可能不知道通过此onSelect事件处理对字段的更改。 Ideally you will be able to bind the event to the function directly in HTML by using ng-change and avoid the need for that. 理想情况下,您可以使用ng-change将事件直接绑定到HTML中的函数,而无需这样做。

If you provide a full sample ( https://plnkr.co/edit/ ), it's easier to guide you to a solution and explain in without the need to rewrite your original code. 如果您提供完整的示例( https://plnkr.co/edit/ ),则无需重新编写原始代码即可更轻松地指导您找到解决方案并进行解释。

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