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[英]Add elements from SwiftyJSON to URL array in Swift

I'm retrieving a list of URL images using Alamofire. 我正在使用Alamofire检索URL图像列表。 The response is in JSON And I have used SwiftyJSON to parse and print each element. 响应是在JSON中,并且我使用了SwiftyJSON来解析和打印每个元素。 I want the URLs to be added into a URL array. 我希望将URL添加到URL数组中。 Below is the code I have used 以下是我使用的代码

var newArray = [URL(string: "http://www.tummyvision.com/users/uploads/gijovarghese141@gmail.com/photos/4.jpg")]

        Alamofire.request("http://www.tummyvision.com/users/login/get-images.php", parameters: parameters).responseData { response in
            let json = JSON(data: response.result.value!)
            for i in 0..<json.count
                print(json[i]) // prints the correct url

But it is giving me the following error: 但这给了我以下错误:


Try to use arrayValue property of JSON to access array also you need to convert String Url to URL object before adding it into Array of URL . 尝试使用arrayValue JSON的属性来访问数组也需要转换String的URL URL加入到它的前阵对象URL

if let urls = json.arrayValue {
    for url in urls {

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