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JSON 解析错误:意外的标识符“RCTWebSocketModule”

[英]JSON Parse error: Unexpected identifier "RCTWebSocketModule"

I have upgraded react and react-native dependencies.我已经升级了 react 和 react-native 依赖项。 When I try to build and run my react-native application on a real device, I get following stacktraces in xcode and app freezes on a white screen after launching.当我尝试在真实设备上构建和运行我的 react-native 应用程序时,我在 xcode 中得到以下堆栈跟踪,并且应用程序在启动后在白屏上冻结。

2016-10-04 12:33:37.501 [info][tid:main][RCTBatchedBridge.m:74]   Initializing <RCTBatchedBridge: 0x16575a10> (parent: <RCTBridge:   0x1658e200>, executor: RCTJSCExecutor)
2016-10-04 12:33:37.507136 ReactApp[237:7244] Initializing <RCTBatchedBridge: 0x16575a10> (parent: <RCTBridge: 0x1658e200>, executor: RCTJSCExecutor)
2016-10-04 12:33:37.695956 ReactApp[237:7292] [] __nw_connection_get_connected_socket_block_invoke 1 Connection has no connected handler
2016-10-04 12:33:37.780 [info][tid:main][RCTBatchedBridge.m:74] Initializing <RCTBatchedBridge: 0x16681ec0> (parent: <RCTBridge: 0x1658e200>, executor: RCTWebSocketExecutor)
2016-10-04 12:33:37.780715 ReactApp[237:7244] Initializing <RCTBatchedBridge: 0x16681ec0> (parent: <RCTBridge: 0x1658e200>, executor: RCTWebSocketExecutor)
2016-10-04 12:33:37.865 [warn][tid:com.facebook.react.RCTBridgeQueue][RCTModuleData.mm:287] Required dispatch_sync to load constants for RCTUIManager. This may lead to deadlocks
2016-10-04 12:33:37.866815 ReactApp[237:7292] Required dispatch_sync to load constants for RCTUIManager. This may lead to deadlocks
2016-10-04 12:33:38.274 [error][tid:com.facebook.react.JavaScript] JSON Parse error: Unexpected identifier "RCTWebSocketModule"
2016-10-04 12:33:38.274231 ReactApp[237:7303] JSON Parse error: Unexpected identifier "RCTWebSocketModule"
2016-10-04 12:33:38.281 [info][tid:com.facebook.react.JavaScript] 'Failed to print error: ', 'JSON Parse error: Unexpected identifier "RCTSourceCode"'
2016-10-04 12:33:38.281396 ReactApp[237:7303] 'Failed to print error: ', 'JSON Parse error: Unexpected identifier "RCTSourceCode"'
2016-10-04 12:33:38.286 [error][tid:com.facebook.react.JavaScript] Requiring module "185", which threw an exception.
2016-10-04 12:33:38.286470 ReactApp[237:7303] Requiring module "185", which threw an exception.
2016-10-04 12:33:38.287 [info][tid:com.facebook.react.JavaScript] 'Failed to print error: ', 'Requiring module "191", which threw an exception.'
2016-10-04 12:33:38.286985 ReactApp[237:7303] 'Failed to print error: ', 'Requiring module "191", which threw an exception.'

When I run same project with android studio, I get following stacktraces:当我使用 android studio 运行相同的项目时,我得到以下堆栈跟踪:

E/ReactNativeJS: JSON Parse error: Unexpected identifier "UIManager"
I/ReactNativeJS: 'Failed to print error: ', 'JSON Parse error: Unexpected identifier "SourceCode"'
W/unknown:React: Packager connection already open, nooping.
E/ReactNativeJS: Module AppRegistry is not a registered callable module.
E/ReactNativeJS: Requiring module "173", which threw an exception.
I/ReactNativeJS: 'Failed to print error: ', 'Requiring module "173", which threw an exception.'
I/ReactNativeJS: 'Failed to print error: ', 'JSON Parse error: Unexpected identifier "ExceptionsManager"'


  "dependencies": {
    "react": "15.3.2",
    "react-dom": "15.3.2",
    "react-native": "^0.34.1",
    "react-native-animatable": "0.6.1",
    "react-native-collapsible": "0.7.0",
    "react-native-drawer": "2.2.6",
    "react-native-htmlview": "^0.5.0",
    "react-native-push-notification": "^2.1.1",
    "react-native-viewpager": "0.2.11",
    "react-redux": "4.4.5",
    "redux": "3.5.2",
    "redux-thunk": "2.1.0"

I ran into this tonight.我今晚遇到了这个。 It was a cache issue for me.这对我来说是一个缓存问题。 Restart the React Native Packager.重新启动 React Native Packager。

the package.json is not valide. package.json 无效。 Here a response from json-validator:这是来自 json-validator 的响应:

Error: Parse error on line 1: "dependencies": { "react": "1 --------------^ Expecting 'EOF', '}', ',', ']', got ':'

It must look like this:它必须是这样的:

{ "dependencies": { "react": "15.3.2", "react-dom": "15.3.2", "react-native": "^0.34.1", "react-native-animatable": "0.6.1", "react-native-collapsible": "0.7.0", "react-native-drawer": "2.2.6", "react-native-htmlview": "^0.5.0", "react-native-push-notification": "^2.1.1", "react-native-viewpager": "0.2.11", "react-redux": "4.4.5", "redux": "3.5.2", "redux-thunk": "2.1.0" } }

I have the same issue when integrating with existing apps.与现有应用程序集成时,我遇到了同样的问题。 I solved it.我解决了。 My "react-native" version code in package.json was not same as the Android app's.我在package.json “react-native”版本代码与 Android 应用程序的不同。 I used npm to install the same version.我用 npm 安装了相同的版本。

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