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[英]Input for JTextArea

Is there any way that if the char typed is not 'x' , for example. 例如,是否有任何方式可以输入的字符不是'x' Than take no action at all. 比什么都不采取行动。 Code: 码:

main_text_area.addKeyListener(new KeyListener()
             public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e)


             public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e1)

             char c ='x';
                 if!((e1.getKeyChar() == c))

                  //Do nothing at all

             public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e2)

You are much better off not using a KeyListener at all within Swing text components as this can interfere with the basic underlying operation of this component. 您最好不要在Swing文本组件中完全不使用KeyListener,因为这可能会干扰该组件的基本基础操作。 Also a KeyListener will not have any effect on text added or removed by any other means, such as by cut and paste. 另外,KeyListener不会对通过任何其他方式(例如,剪切和粘贴)添加或删除的文本产生任何影响。 Much better to use a higher level type of listener. 使用更高级别的侦听器更好。

For instance, if you want to be notified of any text changes, either input or removal then you would want to use a DocumentListener as this will notify you of any changes to the text, be it from key input or from cut and paste. 例如,如果您想收到任何文本更改(输入或删除)的通知,则您想使用DocumentListener,因为它会通知您文本的任何更改,无论是通过键盘输入还是通过剪切和粘贴。

If on the other hand you want to filter text input and even prevent certain text input, then attach a DocumentFilter to the JTextArea's Document. 另一方面,如果您想过滤文本输入甚至阻止某些文本输入,则将DocumentFilter附加到JTextArea的Document。

For instance, you could place in your DocumentFilter a String#replaceAll(...) that removes all non-X chars from a String. 例如,您可以在DocumentFilter中放置一个String#replaceAll(...) ,以从字符串中删除所有非X字符。 The regex "[^xX]" would work well for this. 正则表达式"[^xX]"可以很好地解决这个问题。

eg, 例如,

import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.text.PlainDocument;

public class DocFilterExample extends JPanel {
    private static final int ROWS = 30;
    private static final int COLS = 40;

    private JTextArea textArea = new JTextArea(ROWS, COLS);

    public DocFilterExample() {
        ((PlainDocument) textArea.getDocument()).setDocumentFilter(new XcharFilter());

        add(new JScrollPane(textArea));

    private static void createAndShowGui() {
        JFrame frame = new JFrame("DocFilterExample");
        frame.getContentPane().add(new DocFilterExample());

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> createAndShowGui());

import javax.swing.text.AttributeSet;
import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
import javax.swing.text.DocumentFilter;

public class XcharFilter extends DocumentFilter {
    private static final String REGEX = "[^xX]";

    public void insertString(FilterBypass fb, int offset, String string, AttributeSet attr)
            throws BadLocationException {
        string = string.replaceAll(REGEX, "");
        super.insertString(fb, offset, string, attr);

    public void replace(FilterBypass fb, int offset, int length, String text, AttributeSet attrs)
            throws BadLocationException {
        text = text.replaceAll(REGEX, "");
        super.replace(fb, offset, length, text, attrs);

Yes. 是。 You have already the answer within your own question. 您已经在自己的问题中找到了答案。 The following explains it why. 以下说明其原因。 Alternatively, you can add this to keyPressed() , which is semantically the same to your variant: 另外,您可以将其添加到keyPressed()这与您的变体在语义上是相同的:

if(!(e1.getKeyChar() == 'x')); //Does nothing, notice the ';'!
else {
    //Do something

To make it do nothing, you need to leave an empty body - what you have done an example of. 要使其无所事事,您需要留下一个空的身体-您所做的一个例子。 Then it meets the criterion and goes inside the body and does nothing. 然后,它符合标准并进入体内,什么也不做。

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