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[英]C# find xml element matching two element levels using linq

I am trying to select an XElement from an xml document and match on two "levels" of the xml document. 我试图从xml文档中选择一个XElement并匹配xml文档的两个“级别”。 my file structure is: 我的文件结构是:

  <Library Name="Main" Path="C:\somefile.Xml">
    <ReadingList Name="Test1">
    <ReadingList Name="Test2">
  <Library Name="Backup" Path="C:\somefile.Xml">

And I want to find the reading list name "test2" in library "Main" so I can copy this element and all child elements to another Library node. 我想在库“Main”中找到读取列表名称“test2”,因此我可以将此元素和所有子元素复制到另一个Library节点。

I would prefer a solution using linq as I am trying to learn this. 我更喜欢使用linq的解决方案,因为我正在尝试学习这个。

Thanks in advance for any help 在此先感谢您的帮助

When I add a new "reading list" I do it this way: 当我添加一个新的“阅读列表”时,我这样做:

public void AddReadingList(string fullyQualifiedPath, Library lib, string name)
    XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load(fullyQualifiedPath);

    XElement library = xdoc.Element("eStack").Elements("Library")
                .Single(x => x.Attribute("Name").Value == lib.Name);

    library.Add(new XElement("ReadingList", new XAttribute("Name", name)));


but the operation I want to perform is a copy of this element and sub elements. 但我想要执行的操作是此元素和子元素的副本。 The problem is, there may be more than one "library" element with the same name so I need to check the library name and reading list name. 问题是,可能有多个具有相同名称的“库”元素,因此我需要检查库名称和读取列表名称。 does that make sense? 那有意义吗?

Using a combination of .Descendants and Where s will do the trick: 使用.DescendantsWhere s的组合可以解决这个问题:

var result = XDocument.Load(fullyQualifiedPath)
         //Can replace with `FirstOrDefault` if you know there is only one
     .Where(element => element.Attribute("Name")?.Value == "Main") 
     .Where(element => element.Attribute("Name")?.Value == "Test2").ToList();

You can also use .Elements instead of Descendants I just preferred to use it so to not specify also the level of app or any other along the way. 你也可以使用.Elements而不是Descendants我只是喜欢使用它,所以不要指定app的级别或其他任何方式。

For prior c# 6.0 you can do: 对于之前的c#6.0,您可以:

var result = XDocument.Load("data.xml")
     .Where(element =>
        var att = element.Attribute("Name");
        return att != null ? (att.Value == "Main" ? true : false) : false;
         //Make sure to do above change here too
     .Where(element => element.Attribute("Name")?.Value == "Test2").ToList();

Or if creating a method to help with it instead of repeating the code: 或者,如果创建一个方法来帮助它而不是重复代码:

 Func<XElement, string, string> tryGetAttributeValue = (element, attributeName) =>
    var attribute = element.Attribute(attributeName);
    return attribute == null ? string.Empty : attribute.Value;

 var result = XDocument.Load("data.xml")
     .Where(element => tryGetAttributeValue(element,"Name") == "Main")
     .Where(element => tryGetAttributeValue(element, "Name") == "Test2").ToList();

Are you looking for something like this? 你在找这样的东西吗?

        var table = XElement.Parse(@"<app>
                                        <Library Name=""Main"" Path=""C:\somefile.Xml"">
                                            <ReadingList Name=""Test1"">
                                            <ReadingList Name=""Test2"">
                                        <Library Name=""Backup"" Path=""C:\somefile.Xml""></Library>

        var readingList = table
            .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Attribute("Name")?.Value == "Main")
            .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Attribute("Name")?.Value == "Test2");

This would essentially solve your query of getting a ReadingList that is named Test2 and under a ReadingList named Test 1 . 这将从根本上解决你获得的查询ReadingList名为Test2和下ReadingList名为Test 1

You can opt for Where instead of FirstOrDefault but that would end up with a list of all possible matches. 您可以选择Where而不是FirstOrDefault但最终会得到所有可能匹配的列表。

        var readingList = table
            .Where(x => x.Attribute("Name").Value == "Main")
            .Where(x => x.Attribute("Name").Value == "Test2")

Opting for a descendant variant would end up in lesser lookup of course. 选择后代变体会导致较少的查找。

        var readingList = table
            .Where(x => x.Attribute("Name").Value == "Main")
            .Where(x => x.Attribute("Name").Value == "Test2")

You can also do this query: 您也可以执行以下查询:

var query=  xdoc.Descendants("Library")

If there are just one Main element you can also use FirstOrDefault extension method: 如果只有一个Main元素,您还可以使用FirstOrDefault扩展方法:

var query=  xdoc.Descendants("Library")

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