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[英]Javascript: convert string with full month to date object

I have a string variable "PublishDate" and then when I check the value using "PublishDate.value" it returns a string like 我有一个字符串变量"PublishDate" ,然后当我使用"PublishDate.value"检查该值时,它返回一个类似

"October 04, 2016 9:28 AM"

I need to convert it to a date object that is formatted like "10/04/2016" 我需要将其转换为格式为"10/04/2016"的日期对象

I am not sure how this is done in javascript: 我不确定如何在javascript中完成此操作:

var d = new Date("October 04, 2016 9:28 AM");
var date = d.getDate();
var month = d.getMonth();
var year = d.getFullYear();
var hours = d.getHours();
var min = d.getMinutes();   //10/04/2016

Use an array of months to get the numerical value, and then just parse it however you'd like 使用几个月的数组来获取数值,然后根据需要解析它

 var months = [ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ]; function pad(n) { return n<10?'0'+n:n } var PublishDate = { value : "October 04, 2016 9:28 AM" } var parts = PublishDate.value.split(/[\\s\\,\\:]+/); var year = +parts[2]; var month = months.indexOf(parts[0]); var day = +parts[1]; var date = new Date(year, month, day); // date object var str = pad(month+1) + '/' + pad(day) + '/' + year; // the string "10/04/2016" console.log(date); console.log(str); 
 .as-console-wrapper {top : 0} 

 // Example PublishDate result var PublishDate = { value: 'October 04, 2016 9:28 AM' }; // convert "date string" into "date object" var date = new Date(PublishDate.value); // build required "date string" var dateShort = (date.getMonth() +1) + '/' + date.getDate() + '/' + date.getFullYear(); // console log to show result console.log(dateShort); 

First, convert that String date into a Date object using the Date constructor : 首先,使用Date构造函数将该String date转换为Date对象:

var d = new Date(PublishDate.value);

EDIT: Always consider the case that your format may not be supported by the browser. 编辑:请始终考虑浏览器可能不支持您的格式的情况。 In the case of Firefox, the MDN states that it will support certain date formats : 对于Firefox,MDN声明它将支持某些日期格式

The string should be in a format recognized by the Date.parse() method (IETF-compliant RFC 2822 timestamps and also a version of ISO8601). 该字符串应采用Date.parse()方法可识别的格式(符合IETF的RFC 2822时间戳以及ISO8601的版本)。

IE's MSDN Javascript reference also says: IE的MSDN Javascript参考也说:

It first tries to parse a date string by using the ISO Date Format . 它首先尝试使用ISO日期格式解析日期字符串。 If the date string is not in ISO format, JavaScript tries to parse the date by using other Other Date Formats . 如果日期字符串不是ISO格式,则JavaScript会尝试使用其他“ 其他日期格式”来解析日期

Also, consider that the MDN itself discourages parsing String dates using the constructor or Date.parse() , even though it works for your specific case: 此外,考虑到MDN本身不鼓励使用构造函数或Date.parse()解析String日期,即使它适用于您的特定情况:

Note: parsing of date strings with the Date constructor (and Date.parse, they are equivalent) is strongly discouraged due to browser differences and inconsistencies. 注意:由于浏览器的差异和不一致,强烈建议不要使用Date构造函数(和Date.parse,它们等效)来解析日期字符串。

If you need to support other varieties of date formats or a variety of browsers, you can also consider Momtent.js javascript library or do your own parsing with RegEx, like in @RobG's and @adeneo's answers. 如果您需要支持其他各种日期格式或各种浏览器,还可以考虑Momtent.js javascript库或使用RegEx自己解析,例如@RobG和@adeneo的答案。

Then, you need to extract the parts you want (month, day, year) and concatenate them in a string with the slash as a separator, like in @user3254198's answer or @Steeve Pitis's answer: 然后,您需要提取所需的部分(月,日,年),并将它们以斜杠作为分隔符的字符串连接起来,例如@ user3254198的答案或@Steeve Pitis的答案:

d.getDate() + '/' 
    + (d.getMonth() + 1) + '/' 
    +  d.getFullYear()

Remember that the PublishDate.value.getMonth() method returns a zero-based month numerical representation of the month, so if you want a 1-12 value, add a +1 to it. 请记住, PublishDate.value.getMonth()方法返回该月的从零开始的月数字表示形式,因此,如果要使用1-12的值,请为其添加+1

Feel free to ask any further! 随时询问任何进一步的信息! Good luck. 祝好运。

Parsing a string like "October 04, 2016 9:28 AM" using the Date constructor is entirely implementation dependent and may result in an incorrect date or invalid date, so either use a parser (there are many good ones available) or write a small function yourself to parse the string. 使用Date构造函数解析诸如“ October 04,2016 9:28 AM”之类的字符串完全依赖于实现,并且可能导致错误的日期或无效的日期,因此请使用解析器(有很多可用的解析器)或编写一个小文件。自己解析字符串。

But if you just want to reformat it, then parsing to a Date isn't required at all, just reformat the string. 但是,如果您只想重新格式化,则根本不需要解析为Date,只需重新格式化字符串即可。 Eg 例如

 /* Reformat a string like October 04, 2016 9:28 AM to m/d/y format ** @param {string} s - string in format MMMM DD, YYYY h:mm ap ** @returns {string} reformatted date in MM/DD/YYYY format */ function reformatDate(s) { var months = {jan:'01',feb:'02',mar:'03',apr:'04', may:'05',jun:'06', jul:'07',aug:'08',sep:'09',oct:'10',nov:'11',dec:'12'}; var b = s.match(/\\w+/g) || []; return months[b[0].toLowerCase().substr(0,3)] + '/' + b[1] + '/' + b[2]; } console.log(reformatDate('October 04, 2016 9:28 AM')); 

There is a lot of question like this on SO ... Try to search a little next time. 在SO上有很多类似的问题...下次尝试搜索。

var date = new Date(PublishDate.value);
console.log((date.getDate() + '/' + (date.getMonth() + 1) + '/' +  date.getFullYear());

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