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[英]Java - Properly format a String given escape sequences and escape characters

Given new line (\\n), tab (\\t) and an escape character \\ how can I given a string format it properly so it deals with these escape sequences and escape characters properly. 给定换行符(\\ n),制表符(\\ t)和转义字符\\我如何给它正确设置字符串格式,以便它能正确处理这些转义序列和转义字符。 Example 1: 范例1:

"string \\t \t"

The output would be: 输出为:

"string \t    "

So in this case \\\\t is escaped to just \\t and \\t is formatted with a tab 因此,在这种情况下,\\\\ t被转义为\\ t,而\\ t被制表符格式化

Example 2: 范例2:

"string \\t \n \\n"

The output is: 输出为:

"string \t

I tried brute-forcing a solution but it didn't work as I am having problems delimiting tabs and spaces with a backslash infront. 我尝试过强行解决方案,但由于我在用反斜杠开头来分隔制表符和空格时遇到问题,因此无法正常工作。

String v= "..." //v for value
v = v.replace("\\\"","\"");
v = v.replace("\\\\","\\");
v = v.replace("\\t", "  ");
v = v.replace("\\n", "\n");
v = v.replace("\\\t", "\\t");
v = v.replace("\\\n", "\\n");

If I ran that code through the first example it would give: 如果我通过第一个示例运行该代码,它将给出:

"string         "

looks like the one "brute force" combination you didn't try is correct 看起来像您没有尝试过的一种“强力”组合是正确的

replace("\\t", "\t")

reading "replace all < backslash >< t > combinations with < tab >" 阅读“用<选项卡>替换所有<反斜杠> <t>组合”

String them all together to get 将它们全部串在一起以获得

v = v.replace("\\t", "\t").replace("\\n", "\n")

(there's no need to replace \\ by itself) (无需单独替换\\)

You can first is replace escaped symbols and then replace escaped slashes with single slashes: 您可以首先是替换转义的符号,然后用单斜杠替换转义的斜杠:

[\, \, \, n] -> [\, \, \n] -> [\, \n]

We can do this by finding occurrences of two slash pairs: 我们可以通过找到两个斜杠对来实现:


- (^|[^\\]) is the start of the string or not a slash
- (\\\\)* is slash pairs

Combine this with the symbol you want to replace (for example \\n ): 将此与您要替换的符号结合起来(例如\\n ):


Then we escape this string for java: 然后我们为Java转义此字符串:


Now you can write a helper method for this regex which keeps the first group $1 and replaces the second group: 现在,您可以为此正则表达式编写一个辅助方法,该方法保留第一组$1并替换第二组:

public static String replaceEscapedChar(
    final String source, 
    final char escaped, 
    final char actual
) {
    final String replacee = "(\\\\" + escaped + ")";
    final String replacement = "$1" + actual;
    return source.replaceAll("((^|[^\\\\])(\\\\\\\\)*)" + replacee, replacement); 

For example. 例如。 The following produces: 产生以下内容:

replaceEscapedChar("Test\\\\\\nTest\\\\n", 'n', '\n');


PS: You can also remove the quotes afterwards by writing: PS:您也可以通过以下方式删除引号:

source.replaceAll("((\\\\\\\\)+)", "\\\\");

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