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jQuery select2无法将点击事件添加到自定义模板

[英]jQuery select2 cannot add click event to custom template

I am attempting to add custom click events to icons I've embedded in a select2 handler. 我试图将自定义点击事件添加到我嵌入在select2处理程序中的图标上。 Instead of having the default 'x', I've added three glyphicon icons that I'd like to attach custom click handlers to and take action using the select2 events API from there on out. 我没有添加默认的“ x”,而是添加了三个glyphicon图标,它们希望将自定义单击处理程序附加到该图标上,然后使用select2事件API进行操作。

It looks like this works if I click on the actual tag, but not on the individual icons as I'd like it to. 如果我单击实际标签,但没有按我的意愿单击单个图标,则看起来这可行。

My JavaScript looks like the following: 我的JavaScript如下所示:

 $( document ).ready( function() {
        function formatPattern( p )
          if (!p.id) return p.text; 

          var html;
          html = '<div class="action-group">';
          html += '<a href="#" class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></a>';
          html += '<a href="#" class="glyphicon glyphicon-play"></a>';
          html += '<a href="#" class="glyphicon glyphicon-pause"></a>';
          html += '</div>';
          html += '<div class="select-text">' + p.id + '</div>'; 

          return html;

        var tagBox = $( '#tagPicker' );
          tags: ['A', 'B', 'C'],
          closeOnSelect: false,
          formatResult: formatPattern,
          formatSelection: formatPattern,
          escapeMarkup: function(m) { return m; }

        tagBox = tagBox.data( 'select2' );
        tagBox.selectChoice = (function(fn) {
          return function(data, options) {
              var target;

              if (options != null) {
                  target = $(options.target);

              if (target && target.hasClass('glyphicon-play')) {
                console.log(" clicked play button " );
              } else {
                  return fn.apply(this, arguments);

Here's the jsfiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/Lwda44q5/ 这是jsfiddle: https ://jsfiddle.net/Lwda44q5/

Unfortunately select2 would only provide the information regarding the element that was clicked since it does not support nested elements ( elements other than li - ul ). 不幸的是, select2将仅提供有关被单击元素的信息,因为它不支持嵌套元素(li-ul以外的元素)。 However, you can tag the element which was clicked inside the option ( by introducing a css class or data-attribute - leave that upto you ) and then in your function, find that element as your target. 但是,您可以标记在选项内单击的元素(通过引入css类或data-attribute -由您自己决定),然后在函数中找到该元素作为目标。

 $( document ).ready( function() {
        function formatPattern( p )
          if (!p.id) return p.text; 

          var html;
          html = '<div class="action-group">';
          html += '<a href="#" class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></a>';
          html += '<a href="#" class="glyphicon glyphicon-play"></a>';
          html += '<a href="#" class="glyphicon glyphicon-pause"></a>';
          html += '</div>';
          html += '<div class="select-text">' + p.id + '</div>'; 

          return html;

        var tagBox = $( '#tagPicker' );
          tags: ['A', 'B', 'C'],
          closeOnSelect: false,
          formatResult: formatPattern,
          formatSelection: formatPattern,
          escapeMarkup: function(m) { return m; }

        // introduce a click handler on the sub elements
        $('.action-group a').on('click',function()
          $('.action-group a').removeClass('active');

        tagBox = tagBox.data( 'select2' );
        tagBox.selectChoice = (function(fn) {
          return function(data, options) {

             var target = $(data).find("a.active"); // find the active element
              if (target && target.hasClass('glyphicon-play')) {
                console.log(" clicked play button " );
              } else {
                  return fn.apply(this, arguments);

Example : https://jsfiddle.net/Lwda44q5/1/ 范例: https : //jsfiddle.net/Lwda44q5/1/

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