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如何在Redux + React中更新嵌套对象属性?

[英]How to update nested object property in Redux + React?

So first, the user object with a few properties ( name , color , age ) gets set up via SET_USER , and I would like to update the name property inside the user object via UPDATE_USER_NAME , yet when I do it with the following code down below with the nested looped in UPDATE_USER_NAME , the name property doesn't get updated. 所以第一, user有一些属性(对象namecolorage )获取通过建立SET_USER ,我想更新的name里面属性user通过对象UPDATE_USER_NAME ,但是当我用下面的代码做楼下嵌套循环在UPDATE_USER_NAMEname属性不会更新。

What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么? If I do something like user: {action.name, ...state.user} , the object user gets updated and works, but that just creates another new property from action.name rather than updating the current name inside the user object. 如果我做类似user: {action.name, ...state.user} ,则对象user将得到更新并可以工作,但这只是从action.name创建另一个新属性,而不是更新user对象内的当前name

  user: {},

export default function(state = DEFAULT_STATE, action) {\
  switch(action.type) {
    case actionTypes.SET_USER:
      return {
        user: action.user,

    case actionTypes.UPDATE_USER_NAME:
      return {
        user: {
          name: action.name,

      return state

You just need to change the order of the spread a bit: 您只需要稍微改变点差的顺序即可:

case actionTypes.UPDATE_USER_NAME:
      return {
        user: {
          name: action.name,

This will set user to the current state.user and then override name . 这会将user设置为当前state.user ,然后覆盖name the spread works like Object.assign (from left to right). 传播类似于Object.assign (从左到右)。 This is because assigning the same keys in an object literal will be "last one wins". 这是因为在对象文字中分配相同的键将是“最后一个获胜”。

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