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[英]Create.cshtml on the index.cshtml page?

I have renderad a CRUD with .net and have the following files in the same folder. 我用.net渲染了CRUD,并在同一文件夹中包含以下文件。

Create.cshtml, Delete.cshtml, Details.cshtml, Edit.cshtml, Index.cshtml Create.cshtml,Delete.cshtml,Details.cshtml,Edit.cshtml,Index.cshtml

Now it is a link to create a new record on the index page 现在,它是在索引页面上创建新记录的链接

@Html.ActionLink("Create New", "Create")

But I want the create form to be on the index page. 但是我希望创建表单在索引页面上。

I tested to use PartialView (I do not know whether it is better to copy the code from create.cshtml in index.cshtml or to use two files but I get the same error). 我测试过使用PartialView(我不知道从index.cshtml中的create.cshtml复制代码还是使用两个文件是更好的选择,但是我遇到相同的错误)。

Changed the return in the controller to return PartialView(board); 改变return在控制器中return PartialView(board);

And the view to @Html.Partial("Create") 并查看到@Html.Partial("Create")

But I get the compiling error 但是我得到了编译错误

The model item passed into the dictionary is of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Klotterplank.Models.Board]', but this dictionary requires a model item of type 'Klotterplank.Models.Board'. 传递到词典中的模型项的类型为'System.Collections.Generic.List`1 [Klotterplank.Models.Board]',但是此词典需要类型为'Klotterplank.Models.Board'的模型项。

This is the model I use in index.cshtml 这是我在index.cshtml中使用的模型

@model IEnumerable<Klotterplank.Models.Board>

And this is the model I use in create.cshtml 这是我在create.cshtml中使用的模型

@model Klotterplank.Models.Board

如果您在具有不同模型的父页面中使用PartialView,则必须将其他模型传递给Html Helper,如下所示:

@Html.Partial("Create", new Klotterplank.Models.Board())

The error tells pretty much itself: When a partial view is instantiated, it gets a copy of the parent view's ViewData dictionary . 该错误几乎可以说明一切:实例化部分视图时,它会获取父视图的ViewData dictionary的副本 Your Create view needs data of different type, so you can provide it like this: 您的“ Create视图需要不同类型的数据,因此您可以像这样提供数据:

@Html.Partial("Create", viewModel)

viewModel can be equal to Model.Fist() (since on your Index view you have a collection of boards as model) for example. viewModel可以等于Model.Fist() (因为在Index视图上,您​​有一组木板作为模型)。

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