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带有动作和 id 的 web api 路由

[英]web api routing with action and id

I am new in using web api and I am trying to call a specific method in my controller.我是使用 web api 的新手,我试图在我的控制器中调用一个特定的方法。

I have我有

global.asax global.asax

protected void Application_Start()

the WebApiConfig class with these routings具有这些路由的 WebApiConfig 类

 // Web API routes

      name: "ActionApi",
      routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
      defaults: new
          id = RouteParameter.Optional

    name: "DefaultApi",
    routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
    defaults: new
       id = RouteParameter.Optional

and my controller和我的控制器

public HttpResponseMessage GetPatSummary(string PatId)
   PatientSummary Pat = new PatientSummary();

   HttpResponseMessage Response = new HttpResponseMessage();
   string yourJson = Pat.GetPatient(PatId);
   Response = this.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, yourJson);
   return Response;

[ActionName("DefaultAction")] //Map Action and you can name your method with any text
public IHttpActionResult GetPatient(int id)
    Object Obj = new object();

    if (Obj!=null)
       return NotFound();
    return Ok(Obj);

the URL I am using is我使用的网址是

http://localhost/mdmwapi/api/MdmwPatientController/GetPatSummary/sgdgdgddhdhd1334254 http://localhost/mdmwapi/api/MdmwPatientController/GetPatSummary/sgdgdgddhdhd1334254

but I get this error A path segment cannot contain two consecutive parameters.但我收到此错误路径段不能包含两个连续的参数。 They must be separated by a '/' or by a literal string.它们必须用“/”或文字字符串分隔。

I am getting nut :-)我快疯了:-)

Use attribute routing使用属性路由

public HttpResponseMessage GetPatSummary(string PatId)
    PatientSummary Pat = new PatientSummary();

    HttpResponseMessage Response = new HttpResponseMessage();
    string yourJson = Pat.GetPatient(PatId);
    Response = this.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, yourJson);
    return Response;

then you can request it using然后你可以使用它来请求它


also you can map any url using attribute routing this way您也可以通过这种方式使用属性路由映射任何 url

the solution is a combination of a new route and a mistake in the URL解决方案是新路由和 URL 错误的组合

the new routes are now these ones新路线现在是这些路线

// Web API routes

         name: "DefaultApi",
         routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
         defaults: new
             id = RouteParameter.Optional

                name: "ApiMethodCall",
                routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{PatId}",
                defaults: new
                    controller= "MdmwPatient",
                    action= "GetPatSummary"    

and the error in the URL was that although the controller class name is MdmwPatientController I have to omit the "controller" suffix when calling from the test client, so the correct url is并且 URL 中的错误是,虽然控制器类名称是 MdmwPatientController 我必须在从测试客户端调用时省略“控制器”后缀,所以正确的 url 是

http://localhost/mdmwapi/api/MdmwPatient/GetPatSummary/sgdgdgddhdhd1334254 http://localhost/mdmwapi/api/MdmwPatient/GetPatSummary/sgdgdgddhdhd1334254

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