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在多个嵌套列表中设置数据ASP.NET MVC C#

[英]Setting data in multiple nested lists ASP.NET MVC C#

I'm an intern with very basic knowledge of ASP and C#. 我是一名非常熟悉ASP和C#的实习生。 I'm trying to display a list of projects > maps > thememaps in an application I'm working on in ASP.NET MVC. 我正在尝试在我正在ASP.NET MVC中工作的应用程序中显示项目列表>地图>主题图。 In my third foreach I get an error saying: "Does not contain a definition for "ThemeMaps" and no extension method "ThemeMaps" accepting a first argument of type could be found". 在我的第三个foreach中,我收到一条错误消息: “不包含“ ThemeMaps”的定义,找不到任何接受第一个类型参数的扩展方法“ ThemeMaps”。

I'm confused as to why vmProject.Maps does not contain the property ThemeMaps . 我对为什么vmProject.Maps不包含属性ThemeMaps感到困惑。 I instantiated that list just like maps. 我实例化了该列表,就像地图一样。 What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

LayersController.cs LayersController.cs

            // Create viewmodel object
            var viewModel = new AddLayerToThemeMapViewModel();

            // Create Project list
            viewModel.Projects = new List<AddProject>();

            // Loop over all maps
            List<Project> projects = this.applicationDb.Projects.OrderBy(e => e.Title).ToList();
            foreach (var project in projects)
                // Create map
                var vmProject = new AddProject()
                    ProjectId = project.ProjectID,
                    ProjectTitle = project.Title,
                    Maps = new List<AddLayerMap>(),

                foreach (var map in project.Maps.OrderBy(e => e.Title))
                    // Create map
                    vmProject.Maps.Add(new AddLayerMap()
                        MapId = map.MapId,
                        MapTitle = map.Title,
                        ThemeMaps = new List<AddLayerMapThemeMap>(),

                    // Loop over all thememaps in map
                    foreach (var thememap in map.ThemeMaps.OrderBy(e => e.Order))
                        vmProject.Maps.ThemeMaps.Add(new AddLayerMapThemeMap()
                            ThemeMapId = thememap.ThemeMapId,
                            ThemeMapTitle = thememap.Title,

                // Add map to list

My viewmodel class 我的viewmodel类

using Mapgear.MapViewer.Entities;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;

namespace Mapgear.MapViewer.ViewModels
    public class AddLayerToThemeMapViewModel
        public Guid LayerId { get; set; }

        public List<AddProject> Projects { get; set; }

    public class AddProject
        public Guid ProjectId { get; set; }

        public string ProjectTitle { get; set; }

        public List<AddLayerMap> Maps { get; set; }

    public class AddLayerMap
        public Guid MapId { get; set; }

        public string MapTitle { get; set; }

        public List<AddLayerMapThemeMap> ThemeMaps { get; set; }

    public class AddLayerMapThemeMap
        public Guid ThemeMapId { get; set; }

        public string ThemeMapTitle { get; set; }

I made a scetch before I started on paper, which looks like the following: 在开始写纸之前,我先进行了一次草稿,如下所示:

  • LayerId LayerId
  • List project 列出项目
    • ProjectId 项目编号
    • ProjectTitle 项目名称
    • List Map 列表图
      • MapId MapId
      • MapTitle 地图标题
      • List ThemeMap 列出ThemeMap
        • ThemeMapId ThemeMapId
        • ThemeMapTitle ThemeMapTitle

I know my class names are a bit out of wack, however I din't write them myself. 我知道我的班级名字有些古怪,但是我自己不会写。 Gonna optimize them after. 之后将对其进行优化。

PS: This is my first question on StackOverflow! PS:这是我关于StackOverflow的第一个问题!

I modified the code in the second for-each loop a bit. 我在第二个for-each循环中修改了一些代码。 I added a variable for the newly created map and add the thememaps to this created map. 我为新创建的地图添加了一个变量,并将主题图添加到此创建的地图中。 Check if it's correct. 检查是否正确。

var newMap = new AddLayerMap()
    MapId = map.MapId,
    MapTitle = map.Title,
    ThemeMaps = new List<AddLayerMapThemeMap>(),
// Create map

// Loop over all thememaps in map
foreach (var thememap in map.ThemeMaps.OrderBy(e => e.Order))
    newMap.ThemeMaps.Add(new AddLayerMapThemeMap()
        ThemeMapId = thememap.ThemeMapId,
        ThemeMapTitle = thememap.Title,

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