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[英]Elasticsearch highlight doesn't highlight results

I'm testing ES and I would highlight the results of a query but it doesn't work with my simple query : 我正在测试ES,我将突出显示查询的结果,但不适用于我的简单查询:

            var myQuery = {
                "query": {
                    "bool": {
                        "must": {
                            "query_string": {
                                "query": mySearchText + "~3"
                "highlight": {
                    "fields": {

Where did I made some mistake please ? 请问我在哪里弄错了? Thanks for all. 谢谢大家

PS : this is a sample of document PS:这是一个文档样本

                "id_stage" : "3897",
                "intitule_stage" : "Le surendettement des particuliers",
                "objectifs" : "Acqu\u00e9rir les comp\u00e9tences suivantes :\r\n*Conna\u00eetre de mani\u00e8re approfondie les dispositions de la loi sur le surendettement des particuliers.\r\n*Ma\u00eetriser la proc\u00e9dure.",
                "contenu" : "*Introduction :\r\n-D\u00e9finitions. Bilans chiffr\u00e9s. Statistiques.\r\n-La proc\u00e9dure de la Loi Borloo (juin 2003 et d\u00e9cret 2004) : le \"r\u00e9tablissement personnel\".\r\n-La loi Lagarde (juillet 2010) et ses d\u00e9crets d'application.\r\n-Pr\u00e9vention du surendettement.\r\n*Les conditions g\u00e9n\u00e9rales d'application de la proc\u00e9dure de surendettement :\r\n-Un d\u00e9biteur, personne physique de bonne foi.\r\n-Un \u00e9tat de surendettement.\r\n-Des dettes non professionnelles exigibles et \u00e0 \u00e9choir.\r\n*La proc\u00e9dure devant la commission de surendettement :\r\n-Ouverture, d\u00e9roulement et cl\u00f4ture de la proc\u00e9dure.\r\n*La proc\u00e9dure devant le juge de l'ex\u00e9cution :\r\n-Absence de contestation des mesures recommand\u00e9es par la commission de surendettement.\r\n-Contestation des mesures recommand\u00e9es par la commission.\r\n-Cons\u00e9quences de la force ex\u00e9cutoire.",
                "pre_requis" : "",
                "mmp" : "",
                "sessions" : [{
                        "id_session" : "4775",
                        "debut" : "2016-11-29",
                        "date_fin" : "2016-12-02",
                        "ville" : "PARIS"

If you would like to highlight the relevant segments on all fields, you should use 如果您想突出显示所有字段中的相关细分,则应使用

"highlight": {
  "fields": {

Instead of 代替

"highlight": {
  "fields": {

I am sure you must have solved this by now but for others facing the same issue, here is what I think you might have missed 我相信您现在一定已经解决了这个问题,但是对于其他面临相同问题的人,这是我认为您可能已经错过的事情

A field can only be used for highlighting if the original string value is available, either from the _source field or as a stored field. 如果原始字符串值可用于_source字段或作为存储字段,则该字段只能用于突出显示。

The _all field is not present in the _source field and it is not stored or enabled by default, and so cannot be highlighted. _all字段不存在于_source字段中,并且默认情况下未存储或启用它,因此无法突出显示。 There are two options. 有两种选择。 Either store the _all field or highlight the original fields. 存储_all字段或突出显示原始字段。

http://nocf-www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/mapping-all-field.html#highlighting-all-field http://nocf-www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/mapping-all-field.html#highlighting-all-field

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