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[英]Rollingback a transaction in .Net Entity Framework

I have an MVC Action Controller method as: 我有一个MVC动作控制器方法,如下所示:

public ActionResult Register(ViewModel.User model)
        DbContextTransaction dbTransaction = null;
        if (ModelState.IsValid)
                UserAccountLogic registerUser = new UserAccountLogic();

                dbTransaction = registerUser.RegisterUser(model);
                Mail.SendEmail(model.Email, model.FirstName);

                //Session["Email"] = model.Email;
                ViewBag.Style = "block";
            catch (Exception e)
                log.Error(e.Message, e);

        // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form
        return View(model);

RegisteredUser function is in Business Layer as: RegisteredUser函数在业务层中的位置为:

public DbContextTransaction RegisterUser(User model)
        //var userEntity = Mapper.Map<User, Dal.UserInfo>(model);
        var userEntity = MapModelToEntity(model);
        var registerService = new Dal.AccountService();

        return registerService.SaveRegisterDetails(userEntity);

and SaveRegisterDetails function is in DataAccessLayer as: 和SaveRegisterDetails函数在DataAccessLayer中的形式为:

public DbContextTransaction SaveRegisterDetails(UserInfo registerDetails)
        //TransactionModel transactionModel = new TransactionModel();

        using (HealthCarePortalEntities context = new HealthCarePortalEntities())

            using (DbContextTransaction dbTran = context.Database.BeginTransaction())

                return dbTran;

Now my problem is I want to rollback a transaction ie a newly registered user data from the database when there is any exception in sending activation link to the user. 现在我的问题是,当向用户发送激活链接时出现异常时,我想回滚事务,即从数据库中新注册的用户数据。 But the problem is the part where I am doing rollback an exception throws because the Database connection is null. 但是问题是我正在回滚的部分发生异常,因为数据库连接为空。 So my question is how can I get the connection of DAL layer in Controller which is in another layer. 所以我的问题是我如何才能在另一层的Controller中获得DAL层的连接。 Thanks for the help. 谢谢您的帮助。

You only need to implement IDisposable 您只需要实现IDisposable

private void Dispose(bool disposing)
    // ...
    if (disposing && (this._innerConnection != null))
        this._disposing = true;
        this.Rollback(); // there you go

Implement IDisposable 实施IDisposable

You could use the ambient transaction model. 您可以使用环境交易模型。

using(TransactionScope tran = new TransactionScope()) {
     UserAccountLogic registerUser = new UserAccountLogic();

     dbTransaction = registerUser.RegisterUser(model);
     Mail.SendEmail(model.Email, model.FirstName);

That way if an exception occurs inside your transaction scope the db rolls back the data. 这样,如果事务范围内发生异常,则数据库将回滚数据。

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