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[英]Vim requires .vimrc to be sourced every time when running in tmux

I have made several changes to my .vimrc file, which includes several vim-plug plugins, some syntax/coloring options and some key mappings. 我对.vimrc文件进行了几处更改,其中包括一些vim-plug插件,一些语法/颜色选项和一些键映射。

Whenever I open a new Vim session however, not all of these are being applied (most notably coloring and syntax highlighting). 但是,每当我打开一个新的Vim会话时,都不会全部应用(最显着的是着色和语法突出显示)。 If I run :so ~/.vimrc the file gets sourced and the changes apply immediately. 如果我运行:so ~/.vimrc该文件将作为源文件并立即应用更改。 Obiously I don't want to have to do this every time I start vim. 显然,我不想每次启动vim都必须这样做。

Why are these changes not being applied automatically? 为什么这些更改没有自动应用? (This is after a complete restart and new terminal/vim session). (这是在完全重新启动和新的终端/ vim会话之后)。

Update 更新
I've discovered this is related to tmux . 我发现这与tmux有关。 When I run vim straight from terminal, .vimrc is applied as expected. 当我直接从终端运行vim.vimrc如预期般被应用。 If I run vim from inside a tmux session, then I have to manually source the file every time. 如果我在tmux会话中运行vim ,则每次都必须手动获取文件。

Any ideas how to solve this? 任何想法如何解决这个问题?

~/.vimrc contents: ~/.vimrc内容:

" PLUGINS - see vim-plug
call plug#begin()
 Plug 'crusoexia/vim-monokai'
 Plug 'pangloss/vim-javascript'
 Plug 'crusoexia/vim-javascript-lib'
call plug#end()

" Enable Monokai colors
syntax on
colorscheme monokai
set t_Co=256

" Easy tab movement with keys 1|2
nmap 1 :tabp <enter>
nmap 2 :tabn <enter>

" Line Numbers
set number

" 2 space tabs
set tabstop=8 softtabstop=2 expandtab shiftwidth=2 smarttab

In my case, tmux was overriding the TERM value until .vimrc was sourced. 在我的情况下,tmux会覆盖TERM值,直到获得.vimrc为止。

Running echo $TERM in a regular shell gave xterm-256color , whereas running it in tmux gave screen . 在常规shell中运行echo $TERM得到xterm-256color ,而在tmux中运行可以得到screen

The solution was to explicitly export the desired TERM value: 解决方案是显式导出所需的TERM值:

export TERM="xterm-256color"

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