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[英]function using dictionary as argument

I have created a dictionary with values for Velocity, temperature and altitude: 我创建了一个字典,其中包含“速度”,“温度”和“高度”的值:

mach_dict = dict(velocity=[], altitude=[], temperature=[])

Which I use to store values for a flying plain at climb, cruise and descent segments. 我用来存储在攀登,巡航和下降段的飞行平原的值。

mach_dict = {'velocity': [0, 300, 495, 500, 300], 'altitude': [288.15, 288.15, 288.15, 288.15, 288.15], 'temperature': [0, 0, 50, 50, 50]}

I need to create a function (def) that returns a dictionary that stores the mach number for every segment. 我需要创建一个函数(def),该函数返回一个字典,该字典存储每个段的马赫数。

To estimate Mach I use the formula: 要估算Mach我使用以下公式:

Mach = velocity / sqrt(1.4 * 286 * (Temperature - altitude * 0.05))

Can anybody help on that? 有人可以帮忙吗?

You can zip the list values in the dictionary and compute the new key mach_number using a list comprehension : 您可以将列表值zip到字典中,并使用列表 mach_number来计算新的密钥mach_number

import math

def compute_mach(velocity, altitude, temperature):
    return velocity/math.sqrt(1.4*286*(temperature-altitude*0.05))

mach_dict['mach_number'] = [compute_mach(v, a, t)  for v, a, t in zip(mach_dict['velocity'], 

You'd zip together the 3 lists to produce velocity, altitude, temperature tuples: 您将3个列表压缩在一起以生成velocity, altitude, temperature元组:

mach_dict['mach'] = mach_per_section = []
for vel, alt, temp in zip(
        mach_dict['velocity'], mach_dict['altitude'], mach_dict['temperature']):
    mach = vel / sqrt(1.4 * 286 * (temp - alt * 0.05))

Unfortunately, your inputs lead to a ValueError: math domain error because for some you'd get a negative value for 1.4 * 286 * (temp - alt * 0.05) . 不幸的是,您的输入导致ValueError: math domain error因为对于某些用户,您会得到1.4 * 286 * (temp - alt * 0.05)的负值。

Technically, this is modifying the passed in dictionary, and the return is unnecessary. 从技术上讲,这正在修改传入的字典,并且不需要return

from math import sqrt

def func(d):
    machs = []
    for v, a, t in zip(d['velocity', d['altitude'], d['temperature']):
        mach = v / sqrt(1.4 * 286 * (t - a * 0.05))
    d['mach'] = machs
    return d

And you can use pandas and numpy to do that as well 您也可以使用pandas和numpy来做到这一点

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

def compute(mach_dict):
   df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(mach_dict)
   r = df.velocity / np.sqrt(1.4 * 286 * (df.temperature - df.altitude * 0.05))
   return list(r)

mach_dict={'velocity':[0, 300, 495, 500, 300],'altitude':[288.15, 288.15, 288.15, 288.15, 288.15],'temperature':[0, 0, 50, 50, 50]}

This will handle the -ve case that it would give you NaN 这将处理-ve情况,它将为您提供NaN

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