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如何选择 <div> 阻止文本内?

[英]How to select a <div> block inside a text?

I have a text composed of two <div> inside one <body> saved as raw_text as following: 我有一个由两个<div>组成的文本,其中一个<body>保存为raw_text ,如下所示:

var raw_text = "<body><div>This is the 'div' text that I don't want.</div> <div>This is the 'div' text that I want to print.</div></body>";

I need a script for print on the screen only the <div> present in raw-text that include a certain string. 我只需要一个脚本来在屏幕上打印,只显示原始文本中包含特定字符串的<div>

if the string wanted is: 如果想要的字符串是:

var x = "that I want";

the script should take: 该脚本应采用:

<div>This is the 'div' text that I want to print.</div>

and the output should be: 输出应为:

This is the 'div' text that I want to print.

This is the proper way to do it: 这是执行此操作的正确方法:

  1. Use a DOM parser 使用DOM解析器
  2. Iterate the text nodes 迭代文本节点
  3. Check if they contain the desired string 检查它们是否包含所需的字符串

 var html = "<body><div>This is the 'div' text that I don't want.</div> <div>This is the 'div' text that I want to print.</div></body>"; var x = "that I want"; var doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(html, 'text/html'); var it = doc.createNodeIterator(doc.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT); var node; while (node = it.nextNode()) if(node.nodeValue.includes(x)) { console.log(node.nodeValue); break; } 

var raw_text = "<body><div>This is the 'div' text that I don't want.</div> <div>This is the 'div' text that I want to print.</div></body>";
var x = "that I want";
var homework_solution = raw_text.match(new RegExp("<div>([^<>]*?"+x+"[^<>]*?)</div>"))[1];

This should do the job. 这应该做的工作。 The regex could possibly be made a bit more robust. 正则表达式可能会变得更强大。

The "proper" way to do this would be to use DOMParser to search for the node you want. 执行此操作的“正确”方法是使用DOMParser搜索所需的节点。

You can use jQuery to convert your string to proper DOM elements, and then parse them easily, as @Retr0spectrum says on their comment. 您可以使用jQuery将字符串转换为适当的DOM元素,然后轻松解析它们,如@ Retr0spectrum在其评论中所述。 You have the HTML in a plain string: 您将HTML包含在纯字符串中:

var htmlString = "<body><div>This is the 'div' text that I don't want.</div> <div>This is the 'div' text that I want to print.</div></body>";

Now you have to: 现在您必须:

  1. parse it to DOM, 解析为DOM,
  2. filter the elements, and 过滤元素,并且
  3. get the text 得到文字

Like this: 像这样:

// Process the string through jQuery so it parses the DOM elements
var dom = $(htmlString);

// and then we convert to array...
var array = dom.toArray();

// ... so we can filter it, using RegEx to find the
// <div>(s) we are interested in: 
var matchingDivs = array.filter(function (div, i) {
  return $(div).text().match(/that I want/g) !== null;

// we pop the last matched div from the filtered array (the first 
// one would also work, since normally you will find just one)
var theDiv = matchingDivs.pop(); 

// Then get the <div>'s text:
var theText = selectedDiv.textContent;

The beautiful thing is you can chain all the methods so you can write the above like this: 美丽的是,您可以链接所有方法,因此可以这样编写上面的代码:

var theText = $(htmlString).toArray().filter(function (div, i) {
  return $(div).text().match(/that I want/g) !== null;

Note: In the chained methods example I took the first element instead of the last one, using the bracket operator [0] instead of pop() . 注意:在链接方法示例中,我使用方括号运算符[0]代替pop()来获取第一个元素,而不是最后一个元素。

Hope this helps understanding how it works. 希望这有助于了解其工作原理。

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