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[英]How do I execute this assembly code?

I've written this simple code in JavaScript and use d8 to show the assembly code.我已经用 JavaScript 编写了这个简单的代码,并使用 d8 来显示汇编代码。 Now, I want to execute that assembly code but I'm unable to do it.现在,我想执行该汇编代码,但我无法执行。

Here's my code这是我的代码


And this is the assembly I get from d8这是我从 d8 得到的程序集

--- Raw source ---

--- Code ---
source_position = 0
compiler = full-codegen
Instructions (size = 180)
0x13fb4a04740     0  55             push rbp
0x13fb4a04741     1  4889e5         REX.W movq rbp,rsp
0x13fb4a04744     4  56             push rsi
0x13fb4a04745     5  57             push rdi
0x13fb4a04746     6  488b4f2f       REX.W movq rcx,[rdi+0x2f]
0x13fb4a0474a    10  488b490f       REX.W movq rcx,[rcx+0xf]
0x13fb4a0474e    14  83411b01       addl [rcx+0x1b],0x1
0x13fb4a04752    18  41ff75a0       push [r13-0x60]
0x13fb4a04756    22  493ba5200c0000 REX.W cmpq rsp,[r13+0xc20]
0x13fb4a0475d    29  7305           jnc 36  (0x13fb4a04764)
0x13fb4a0475f    31  e8dce2f4ff     call StackCheck  (0x13fb4952a40)    ;; code: BUILTIN
0x13fb4a04764    36  48b80000000004000000 REX.W movq rax,0x400000000
0x13fb4a0476e    46  e86dfcffff     call 0x13fb4a043e0       ;; code: LOAD_GLOBAL_IC
0x13fb4a04773    51  50             push rax
0x13fb4a04774    52  49ba1123f8ee15360000 REX.W movq r10,0x3615eef82311    ;; object: 0x3615eef82311 <undefined>
0x13fb4a0477e    62  4152           push r10
0x13fb4a04780    64  49ba19b92ab6eb2a0000 REX.W movq r10,0x2aebb62ab919    ;; object: 0x2aebb62ab919 <String[5]: Hello>
0x13fb4a0478a    74  4152           push r10
0x13fb4a0478c    76  48ba0000000002000000 REX.W movq rdx,0x200000000
0x13fb4a04796    86  488b7c2410     REX.W movq rdi,[rsp+0x10]
0x13fb4a0479b    91  e820ffffff     call 0x13fb4a046c0       ;; code: CALL_IC
0x13fb4a047a0    96  488b75f8       REX.W movq rsi,[rbp-0x8]
0x13fb4a047a4   100  4883c408       REX.W addq rsp,0x8
0x13fb4a047a8   104  488945e8       REX.W movq [rbp-0x18],rax
0x13fb4a047ac   108  488b45e8       REX.W movq rax,[rbp-0x18]
0x13fb4a047b0   112  48bbd1ba2ab6eb2a0000 REX.W movq rbx,0x2aebb62abad1    ;; object: 0x2aebb62abad1 Cell for 6144
0x13fb4a047ba   122  83430bd1       addl [rbx+0xb],0xd1
0x13fb4a047be   126  791f           jns 159  (0x13fb4a047df)
0x13fb4a047c0   128  50             push rax
0x13fb4a047c1   129  e8fae1f4ff     call InterruptCheck  (0x13fb49529c0)    ;; code: BUILTIN
0x13fb4a047c6   134  58             pop rax
0x13fb4a047c7   135  48bbd1ba2ab6eb2a0000 REX.W movq rbx,0x2aebb62abad1    ;; object: 0x2aebb62abad1 Cell for 6144
0x13fb4a047d1   145  49ba0000000000180000 REX.W movq r10,0x180000000000
0x13fb4a047db   155  4c895307       REX.W movq [rbx+0x7],r10
0x13fb4a047df   159  c9             leavel
0x13fb4a047e0   160  c20800         ret 0x8
0x13fb4a047e3   163  498b45a0       REX.W movq rax,[r13-0x60]
0x13fb4a047e7   167  e9c4ffffff     jmp 112  (0x13fb4a047b0)
0x13fb4a047ec   172  0f1f4000       nop

Now I would like to execute that assembly code I get this error:现在我想执行那个汇编代码我得到这个错误:

cc -s print.s cc -s 打印.s
print.s:1:1: error: 32-bit absolute addressing is not supported in 64-bit mode print.s:1:1: 错误:64 位模式不支持 32 位绝对寻址

This is my print.s这是我的print.s

push rbp
movq rbp,rsp
push rsi
push rdi
movq rcx,[rdi+0x2f]
movq rcx,[rcx+0xf]
addl [rcx+0x1b],0x1
push [r13-0x60]
cmpq rsp,[r13+0xc20]
jnc 36
call StackCheck
movq rax,0x400000000
call 0x13fb4a043e0
push rax
movq r10,0x3615eef82311
push r10
movq r10,0x2aebb62ab919
push r10
movq rdx,0x200000000
movq rdi,[rsp+0x10]
call 0x13fb4a046c0
movq rsi,[rbp-0x8]
addq rsp,0x8
movq [rbp-0x18],rax
movq rax,[rbp-0x18]
movq rbx,0x2aebb62abad1
addl [rbx+0xb],0xd1
jns 159
push rax
call InterruptCheck
pop rax
movq rbx,0x2aebb62abad1
movq r10,0x180000000000
movq [rbx+0x7],r10
ret 0x8
movq rax,[r13-0x60]
jmp 112

You cannot take a snippet from a program with fixed pointers, copy-paste that and expect it to work.你不能从一个带有固定指针的程序中提取一个片段,复制粘贴它并期望它工作。

Your snippet will never work.你的片段永远不会工作。
It references absolute addresses that are only valid within the context of the original program it was executed in.它引用仅在执行它的原始程序的上下文中有效的绝对地址。
The next time the original program executes the addresses will likely be different because of ASLR, quite beside the fact that all programs in OSX must be relocatable;由于ASLR,原始程序下次执行时地址可能会有所不同,而且OSX中的所有程序都必须可重定位; ie fixed addresses do not exist in OSX.即固定地址在 OSX 中不存在
In any case you point to run-time code that is simply not present in your copy-paste snippet.在任何情况下,您都指向复制粘贴代码段中根本不存在的运行时代码。

You need to learn how to write a stand-alone 'hallo world' assembly program.您需要学习如何编写独立的“hallo world”汇编程序。

There are 100's of tutorials detailing how to do this, eg: http://peter.michaux.ca/articles/assembly-hello-world-for-os-x有 100 个教程详细说明了如何执行此操作,例如: http : //peter.michaux.ca/articles/assembly-hello-world-for-os-x

 hello.asm - a "hello, world" program using NASM section .text global mystart ; make the main function externally visible mystart: ; 1 print "hello, world" ; 1a prepare the arguments for the system call to write push dword mylen ; message length push dword mymsg ; message to write push dword 1 ; file descriptor value ; 1b make the system call to write mov eax, 0x4 ; system call number for write sub esp, 4 ; OS X (and BSD) system calls needs "extra space" on stack int 0x80 ; make the actual system call ; 1c clean up the stack add esp, 16 ; 3 args * 4 bytes/arg + 4 bytes extra space = 16 bytes ; 2 exit the program ; 2a prepare the argument for the sys call to exit push dword 0 ; exit status returned to the operating system ; 2b make the call to sys call to exit mov eax, 0x1 ; system call number for exit sub esp, 4 ; OS X (and BSD) system calls needs "extra space" on stack int 0x80 ; make the system call ; 2c no need to clean up the stack because no code here would executed: already exited section .data mymsg db "hello, world", 0xa ; string with a carriage-return mylen equ $-mymsg ; string length in bytes

If you want to write assembly code running under OSX you'll also need to learn how the OSX API works .如果您想编写在 OSX 下运行的汇编代码,您还需要了解OSX API 的工作原理

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