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SCCM Powershell SCRIPT从文件夹层次结构中获取对象位置

[英]SCCM Powershell SCRIPT to get object location from folder hierarchy

I used below code 我用下面的代码

Function Get-SCCMObjectLocation {

        [string]$SiteCode = (Get-CMSite).SiteCode,
        [string]$SiteServerName = (Get-CMSite).ServerName)

    #Find the container directly containing the item
    $ContainerItem = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root/SMS/site_$($SiteCode) -ComputerName $SiteServerName -Query "select * from SMS_ObjectContainerItem where InstanceKey = '$($SMSId)'"
    If (!$ContainerItem) {
        $ObjectName = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root/SMS/site_$($SiteCode) -ComputerName $SiteServerName -Query "select * from SMS_ObjectName where ObjectKey = '$($SMSId)'"
        If (!$ObjectName) {
            Write-Warning "No object or containers found for $SMSId"
            Return "root\$(($ObjectName).Name)"

    If ($ContainerItem -is [array]) {
        Write-Warning "Multiple objects with ID: $SMSId"
        Foreach ($Item In $ContainerItem) {
            $tempOutputString = Get-SCCMContainerHierarchy -ContainerNodeId $Item.ContainerNodeID -ObjectType $Item.ObjectType -ObjectTypename $Item.ObjectTypeName -SiteCode $SiteCode -SiteServerName $SiteServerName
            $OutputString = "$OutputString`nroot\$tempOutputString"
        Return "$OutputString"
    Else {
        #One object found
        $OutputString = Get-SCCMContainerHierarchy -ContainerNodeId ($ContainerItem).ContainerNodeID -SiteCode $SiteCode -SiteServerName $SiteServerName
        Return "root\$OutputString"


Function Get-SCCMContainerHierarchy {
                Position=1)][string]$SiteCode = (Get-CMSite).SiteCode,
                Position=2)][string]$SiteServerName = (Get-CMSite).ServerName,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]$ObjectType = ($ContainerItem).ObjectType,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]$ObjectTypeName = ($ContainerItem).ObjectTypeName)

    Switch ($ObjectType) {
        2       {$ObjectTypeText = $ObjectTypeName; $ObjectName = (Get-CMPackage -ID $SMSId).Name} # Package
        14      {$ObjectTypeText = $ObjectTypeName; $ObjectName = (Get-CMOperatingSystemInstaller -ID $SMSId).Name} # OS Install Package
        18      {$ObjectTypeText = $ObjectTypeName; $ObjectName = (Get-CMOperatingSystemImage -ID $SMSId).Name} # OS Image
        20      {$ObjectTypeText = $ObjectTypeName; $ObjectName = (Get-CMTaskSequence -ID $SMSId).Name} # Task Sequence
        23      {$ObjectTypeText = $ObjectTypeName; $ObjectName = (Get-CMDriverPackage -ID $SMSId).Name} # Driver Package
        19      {$ObjectTypeText = $ObjectTypeName; $ObjectName = (Get-CMBootImage -ID $SMSId).Name} # Boot Image
        5000    {$ObjectTypeText = $ObjectTypeName; $ObjectName = (Get-CMDeviceCollection -Id $SMSId).Name} # Device Collection
        5001    {$ObjectTypeText = $ObjectTypeName; $ObjectName = (Get-CMUserCollection -Id $SMSId).Name} # User Collection
        default {$ObjectTypeText = "unknown object type: '$($ObjectTypeName)' = $($ObjectType)"; $ObjectName = "unknown object name ($SMSId)"}

    $OutputString = "$ObjectName `t[$ObjectTypeText]"
    #ContainerNodeID of 0 is the root
    While ($ContainerNodeId -ne 0) {
        #Find details of that container
        $ContainerNode = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root/SMS/site_$($SiteCode) -ComputerName $SiteServerName -Query "select * from SMS_ObjectContainerNode where ContainerNodeID = '$($ContainerNodeId)'"
        $ContainerName = ($ContainerNode).Name
        $ContainerNodeId = ($ContainerNode).ParentContainerNodeID
        $OutputString = "$ContainerName\$OutputString"
    Return $OutputString
Get-SCCMObjectLocation -SMSId "PS1022EB" -SiteCode PS1 -SiteServerName xxyyzz.com

but got the below error - do am i providing wrong parameter 但出现以下错误-我是否提供了错误的参数


Generally , firewall setting may cause this error (0x800706BA) . 通常,防火墙设置可能会导致此错误(0x800706BA)。

If the firewall is enabled on destination computers , you may check the firewall rules in group "windows management instrumentation (WMI)" (The firewall action is 'Allow' ) . 如果在目标计算机上启用了防火墙,则可以检查“ Windows Management Instrumentation(WMI)”组中的防火墙规则(防火墙操作为“允许”)。

If it is not enabled , you can manually enable them or run following command : 如果未启用,则可以手动启用它们或运行以下命令:

netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)" new enable=yes

In addition , that error implies the error came with command " Get-WmiObject " . 另外,该错误表示命令“ Get-WmiObject ”附带了该错误。 To narrow it down you may run command below separately (Just change few variables such as $($SiteCode) , $SiteServerName to the real value of SiteCode and SiteServerName in your environment ) : 要缩小范围,您可以单独运行以下命令(只需将$($ SiteCode)$ SiteServerName等一些变量更改为您环境中SiteCodeSiteServerName的实际值):

Get-WmiObject -Namespace root/SMS/site_$($SiteCode) -ComputerName $SiteServerName -Query "select * from SMS_ObjectContainerItem"

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