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如何从同一文件夹设置Angular2 CLI项目和Node.js应用

[英]How to set up Angular2 CLI Project and Node.js app from the same folder

I created a project using the angular2 cli. 我使用angular2 cli创建了一个项目。 I also created a separate node js application that acts as the backend. 我还创建了一个单独的节点js应用程序作为后端。 I would like to move my front-end application into the node app, so that I can run both apps using node server.js. 我想将前端应用程序移动到节点应用程序中,以便可以使用节点server.js运行两个应用程序。 My server.js looks like this: 我的server.js看起来像这样:

app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/app'));
app.get('*', function (req, res) {

My index.html from the angular2 cli looks like this: 我从angular2 cli获得的index.html看起来像这样:

<!doctype html>

  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>My App</title>
  <base href="/">

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
  <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="favicon.ico">


When I now run node server.js and browse to http://localhost:8000/ then I can see the "Loading..." message, but nothing appears after and there are no errors in the console either. 当我现在运行节点server.js并浏览到http:// localhost:8000 /时,我可以看到“正在加载...”消息,但是此后什么也没有出现,并且控制台中也没有错误。

What you should really do is create a prod build with the angular cli in some folder ( ng build --prod -o /somefolder ) (o is for output), and than have node statically server that folder with app.use(express.static...) . 您真正应该做的是在某个文件夹中创建带有角度cli的prod构建( ng build --prod -o /somefolder )(o用于输出),然后让节点将带有app.use(express.static...) Than you can add one route to just return the index.html page so your url will not contain the whole folder path (ex: localhost/somefolder/index.html) (this path is ugly). 比您可以添加一条路由来仅返回index.html页面,以便您的url不会包含整个文件夹路径(例如:localhost / somefolder / index.html)(此路径很丑陋)。

This is the best way because the angular app is still separate and not mixed anywhere with the nodejs logic. 这是最好的方法,因为有角度的应用程序仍然是单独的,并且不会与nodejs逻辑混合在一起。

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