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[英]How do I get the value from my Form control to use in Javascript in Angular2

Here is my Form Control: 这是我的表单控件:

 <div class="field">
        <label for="AgeInput">Age</label>
        <input type="text"
         <div *ngIf="agefld.hasError('required')"
           class="ui error message">Age is required</div> 
         <div *ngIf="agefld.hasError('invalidAge')"
           class="ui error message">Age must be greater than 0</div>

 <div class="field">
        <label for="dobInput">Date of Birth</label>
        <input type="text"
         <div *ngIf="dob.hasError('required')"
           class="ui error message">Date of Birth is required</div> 
          <div *ngIf="dob.hasError('invalidDate')"
           class="ui error message">Age and date do not compute</div>  

Here is my custom function : 这是我的自定义函数:

function validateDob(control: FormControl): {[s:string]: boolean}{
  var today = new Date();
  var inDate = new Date(control.value);
  var calcAge = Math.abs(today - inDate);
  var ageDif = Math.floor(calcAge / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365))
  var otherAge = 51;
  alert(" Entered age : " + parseInt(getValue("agefld"));

  if (50 != ageDif){
    return {invalidDate: true}

What I would like to do is calculate if the entered date is valid based on the entered agefld. 我想根据输入的agefld计算输入的日期是否有效。 But I keep getting "Agefld" is undefined. 但我一直在获取“ Agefld”未定义。 I have tried several different things such as {{agefld}}, [{agefld}] and even this.agefld. 我尝试了几种不同的方法,例如{{agefld}},[{agefld}]甚至this.agefld。 but same message keeps appearing. 但相同的消息不断出现。 This cannot be that difficult. 这不会那么困难。

You have to create a directive that implements the Validator interface. 您必须创建一个实现Validator接口的指令。 And use this directive in HTML form. 并以HTML格式使用此指令。 Don't forget to set this directive in the ngModule declarations tag. 不要忘记在ngModule声明标签中设置此指令。

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