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Firebase .on()侦听器导致Cordova iOS应用程序崩溃

[英]Firebase .on() listener causes Cordova iOS app crash

I have made a blank, brand new Cordova app (-v 6.3.1), and built for iOS. 我制作了一个空白的全新Cordova应用程序(-v 6.3.1),并为iOS构建。 The app does nothing except the following: 该应用程序不执行以下操作:

var ref = new Firebase('url-to-firebase-leaf-node-with-4000-children');
ref.on("child_added", function(child, prev) {

Deploy to iPhone. 部署到iPhone。 The app crashes, and Xcode cites the following: 应用程序崩溃,Xcode引用以下内容:

WebThread (7): EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0xbbadbeef) inside of bmalloc::VMHeap::grow() . WebThread (7): EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0xbbadbeef) bmalloc::VMHeap::grow()内部的WebThread (7): EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0xbbadbeef) bmalloc::VMHeap::grow()

If I do this rather: 如果我这样做:

var ref = new Firebase('url-to-firebase-leaf-node-with-100-children'); then the app doesn't crash. 则该应用不会崩溃。

This is clearly a memory problem, but how can it be resolved? 显然这是一个内存问题,但是如何解决? With 1.5Mb of data being pulled down from 4,000 child nodes, I wouldn't have imagined this should be using up all available memory. 从4,000个子节点中提取了1.5Mb的数据,我想不到这应该会耗尽所有可用内存。 Please avoid suggestions of not pulling all the data - the app needs all the data and works fine on Android. 请避免提出不要提取所有数据的建议-该应用程序需要所有数据,并且可以在Android上正常运行。

The native crash is pretty expressive. 本机崩溃非常具有表现力。 The application runs out of memory. 该应用程序内存不足。

The Firebase SDK builds an in-memory mirror of the database using your subscriptions. Firebase SDK使用您的订阅构建数据库的内存镜像。 Even if your child_added callback does not do anything with the child snapshots, this internal tree uses memory for all the data under the node. 即使您的child_added回调对子快照不执行任何操作,此内部树child_added将内存用于节点下的所有数据

Therefore you should consider using limits on your subscription, introducing pagination, or even restructuring the database if it fits your domain model. 因此,如果适合您的域模型,则应考虑对订阅使用限制,引入分页甚至重组数据库。


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