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有没有办法在Angular 2中的.pug文件中使用i18n

[英]Is there a way to use i18n in .pug files in Angular 2

I have tried to add i18n in Angular 2 project in .pug files. 我试图在.pug文件中的Angular 2项目中添加i18n。 The "./node_modules/.bin/ng-xi18n" command fails with "can't resolve module @angular/core/src/di/metadata from "..\\index.ts"". “./node_modules/.bin/ng-xi18n”命令失败,“无法解析模块@ angular / core / src / di / metadata from”.. \\ index.ts“”。 Is there a way to use i18n localization and .pug or the html is the only solution for now? 有没有办法使用i18n本地化和.pug或html是现在唯一的解决方案? Thanks. 谢谢。

Yes, using angular/cli + ngx-translate + pug-cli will do the work. 是的,使用angular / cli + ngx-translate + pug -cli将完成工作。

First, set up your TranslationConfigModule . 首先,设置您的TranslationConfigModule Create a new module called translation.config.module.ts 创建一个名为translation.config.module.ts的新模块

import { HttpModule, Http } from '@angular/http';
import { NgModule, ModuleWithProviders } from '@angular/core';
import { TranslateModule, TranslateLoader, TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core';
import { TranslateHttpLoader } from '@ngx-translate/http-loader';

export function HttpLoaderFactory(http: Http) {
    return new TranslateHttpLoader(http, '../../../assets/i18n/', '.json');

const translationOptions = {
    loader: {
        provide: TranslateLoader,
        useFactory: HttpLoaderFactory,
        deps: [Http]

    imports: [TranslateModule.forRoot(translationOptions)],
    exports: [TranslateModule],
    providers: [TranslateService]
export class TranslationConfigModule {

     * @param translate {TranslateService}
     constructor(private translate: TranslateService) {
        // Setting up Translations
        translate.addLangs(['en', 'it']);
        const browserLang = translate.getBrowserLang();
        // English and Italian, just an example
        translate.use(browserLang.match(/en|it/) ? browserLang : 'it');

Then, import it in whatever module you want,eg app.module.ts 然后,以您想要的任何模块导入它,例如app.module.ts

. . . 

import { TranslationConfigModule } from '../shared/modules/translation.config.module';

. . . 

    declarations: [ ],
    imports: [
    exports: [ ]

Now, you need to build some i18n.json s in myapp/src/assets/i18n . 现在,你需要在myapp/src/assets/i18n构建一些i18n.json EG en.json that will contain: EG en.json将包含:

    "TEST" : {
        "TITLE" : "Herro Pug!"

Now set up pug integration following the steps on this answer of mine Use Jade as angular2 template engine . 现在按照我的答案中的步骤设置pug集成使用Jade作为angular2模板引擎

Now enjoy your pug templates with i18n. 现在用i18n享受你的哈巴狗模板。 Of course you can use this translation module only on the components declared and exported in a module where you are importing this one. 当然,只能在要导入此模块的模块中声明和导出的组件上使用此转换模块。

test.pug test.pug

h3 {{ 'TEST.TITLE' | translate }}

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