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MongoDB 聚合计数

[英]MongoDB aggregation count

I have collections Users and Numbers.我有用户和数字集合。 Each number has AllocatedToUserId (ObjectId) field, User can have many numbers.每个号码都有 AllocatedToUserId (ObjectId) 字段,用户可以有多个号码。 How can I in single query return User with NumbersCount?如何在单个查询中使用 NumbersCount 返回用户? I wrote this我写了这个

      {'$lookup': {from: "Numbers",
                   localField: "_id",
                   foreignField: "AllocatedToUserId",
                   as: "Numbers"}
      },{ '$project' : {_id:0,
                       document: '$$ROOT',
                       count: {$size:'$Numbers'}}}

But with this code I got structure of response like that:但是通过这段代码,我得到了这样的响应结构:

[{document, count},{document, count},{document, count}...]

Where each document has Numbers collection, and I'd like to have count inside document and without collection of numbers.每个document都有Numbers集合,我想在document内部进行count并且没有数字集合。 Is it possible?是否可以? Thanks!谢谢!

You don't necessarily need to project another field with the $$ROOT system variable, just project the fields from the users schema.您不一定需要使用$$ROOT系统变量投影另一个字段,只需投影用户架构中的字段。 The following example assumes you have a user with the schema:以下示例假设您有一个具有架构的用户:

Exmple Users Schema示例用户架构

    "_id": ObjectId
    "firstName": String,
    "lastName": String,
    "age": Integer,
    "location": String


        "$lookup": {
            "from": "Numbers",
            "localField": "_id",
            "foreignField": "AllocatedToUserId",
            "as": "Numbers"
        "$project": {
            "firstName": 1,
            "lastName": 1,
            "age": 1,
            "location": 1,
            "Numbers": 0,
            "count": { "$size": "$Numbers" } 

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