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[英]Gem after successfully running bundle install not available

In my RoR project I want to use the DataTables Gem: 在我的RoR项目中,我想使用DataTables Gem:

https://rails-assets.org/#/components/DataTables https://rails-assets.org/#/components/DataTables

I put the Gem with the right Source in my Gem file and run bundle install . 我将带有正确Source的Gem放入我的Gem文件中,然后运行bundle install

It outputs in green: 输出为绿色:

Installing rails-assets-datatables 1.10.12

And at the end: 最后:

Bundle complete! 66 Gemfile dependencies, 159 gems now installed.

No errors appear. 没有错误出现。

But when I start run run rails s I get: 但是,当我开始运行run rails s我得到:

Could not find rails-assets-datatables-1.10.12 in any of the sources

Any help? 有什么帮助吗?

I am using XOS El Capitan. 我正在使用XOS El Capitan。 I heard that this can have something to do with the security settings? 听说这可能与安全设置有关? I am searching for days now without success. 我现在正在寻找没有成功的日子。

The gem rails-assets-datatabels doesn't seem to exist. gem rails-assets-datatabels似乎不存在。 Are you trying to use datatables-rails ? 您是否在尝试使用datatables-rails [rubygems] [红宝石]

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