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Flash 独立播放器调整大小事件停止触发

[英]Flash standalone player resize event stops firing

this is a weird one.这是一个奇怪的。

In our Flash project, we add a listener for stage resize events so we can do some dynamic resizing.在我们的 Flash 项目中,我们为舞台调整大小事件添加了一个侦听器,以便我们可以进行一些动态调整大小。 At the moment we're not running it in a browser, just testing it in the standalone Flash player, and it has been working fine but recently, for some reason the events are no longer being triggered.目前我们没有在浏览器中运行它,只是在独立的 Flash 播放器中测试它,它一直运行良好,但最近由于某种原因不再触发事件。 What's odd is that it appears to be something code-related because when I switch over to a different chunk of code, the events still trigger - but I can't see any reason for it.奇怪的是,它似乎与代码相关,因为当我切换到不同的代码块时,事件仍然触发 - 但我看不出任何原因。 The listener is still on the stage and its willTrigger is still true.侦听器仍在舞台上,其 willTrigger 仍然为真。

I know this is all a bit vague, but any suggestions would be valuable!我知道这有点含糊,但任何建议都是有价值的!

Again, just to be very clear, I'm not talking about running it in a browser, so this isn't anything to do with setting the resize settings in HTML.再次声明,我不是在谈论在浏览器中运行它,所以这与在 HTML 中设置调整大小设置无关。


Well, if it were an AIR app i would suggest adding your event listener to NativeApplication.nativeApplication instead of the stage, a long time ago i had a similar intermittent problem and that was the fix.好吧,如果它是一个 AIR 应用程序,我会建议将您的事件侦听器添加到 NativeApplication.nativeApplication 而不是舞台,很久以前我遇到过类似的间歇性问题,这就是修复。 However i think thats only available for AIR.但是我认为这仅适用于 AIR。 You can try to change your publiah settings to an AIR app just to see if it works.您可以尝试将您的发布设置更改为 AIR 应用程序,看看它是否有效。 If it still doesnt work id have to assume its something code related on your part.如果它仍然不起作用,则必须假设它与您有关的代码。 willTrigger sounds suspicious :) willTrigger 听起来很可疑 :)

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