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[英]check if datetime exists in a string powershell

Im a complete powershell beginner.我是一个完整的 powershell 初学者。 I have to read a log file and check if the last entry is of current time stamp.我必须读取日志文件并检查最后一个条目是否具有当前时间戳。

I have fetched last line using Get-Content;我使用 Get-Content 获取了最后一行;

PS> Write-Host $lastLine
new levels are  10/12/2016 4:23:34 PM
PS> $x =Get-Date
PS> Write-Host $x
10/12/2016 4:23:34 PM

I've tried using -match as well as -contains while regex,casting param to string etc., but to no avail我试过在正则表达式中使用 -match 和 -contains,将参数转换为字符串等,但无济于事

1.PS C:\Users\xxx> $y = $lastLine -Match [regex]::escape($x)
2.PS C:\Users\xxx> $y=$lastLine -contains $x

and few other, PN: checked $y value after each of above case.和其他一些,PN:在上述每个案例之后检查 $y 值。 $y is returning false., can anyone guide me to a reference/solution. $y 返回 false。,任何人都可以指导我参考/解决方案。 I'm missing something here我在这里遗漏了一些东西

If you have a formatted date string stored in the variable $formattedDate you can test if the line ends with a space followed by that date string using...如果您将格式化的日期字符串存储在变量$formattedDate您可以测试该行是否以空格结尾,后跟该日期字符串,使用...

$lastLine -like "* $formattedDate";

Remember that the Get-Date cmdlet returns a DateTime value, not a string .请记住, Get-Date cmdlet 返回DateTime值,而不是string When you use operators such as -like or -match to search for a date in a specific format, you'll want to ensure that your date variable gets formatted the way you expect it to.当您使用运营商,如-like-match来搜索特定格式的日期,你要确保你的约会变量被格式化你希望它的方式。 That is, don't rely on the default, culture-specific date formatting but rather specify exactly what you need:也就是说,不要依赖于默认的、特定于文化的日期格式,而是确切地指定您需要的内容:

$date = Get-Date;
$formattedDate = $date.ToString('MM/dd/yyyy h:mm:ss tt');
if ($lastLine -like "* $formattedDate")
    # ...

You can combine the first two lines into one using the -Format parameter:您可以使用-Format参数将前两行合并为-Format

$formattedDate = Get-Date -Format 'MM/dd/yyyy h:mm:ss tt';

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