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[英]How to support https in a local proxy server?

I've written a small proxy server running on localhost:8000 which is supposed to replace some content on specific urls, while leaving the other urls intact. 我编写了一个在localhost:8000上运行的小型代理服务器,该服务器应该替换特定URL上的某些内容,而其他URL保持原样。

What it currently does is to replace Example Domain with Hello World! 当前所做的是用Hello World!替换Example Domain Hello World! on the example.com page. example.com页面上。 To build this I used the proxy-tamper package. 为此,我使用了proxy-tamper包。

The code looks like this (saved in proxy-server.js ): 代码如下(保存在proxy-server.js ):

"use strict";

const proxy = require('proxy-tamper').start({port: 8000});

// block share-term.me
proxy.tamper(/share-term.me\/$/, 'This content is blocked!');

// Replace the content on example.com
proxy.tamper(/example.com\/$/, request => {
  delete request.headers['accept-encoding'];
  request.onResponse(response => {
    response.body = response.body.replace(/Example Domain/g, 'Hello World!');
    response.headers['server'] = 'proxy-tamper 1337';
    response.headers['content-length'] = response.body.length;

Then, to start the proxy server I use: 然后,要启动代理服务器,请使用:

node proxy-server.js

And finally, start google-chrome-stable , by setting the --proxy-server option: 最后,通过设置--proxy-server选项启动google-chrome-stable

google-chrome-stable --proxy-server='http=http://localhost:8000;https=http://localhost:8000' http://domain.com

This works nicely for http://example.com but fails for https://example.com . 这对于http://example.com效果很好,但对于https://example.com却效果不佳。 In fact it doesn't support https . 实际上,它不支持https

When I open http://example.com I see the replaced content: 当我打开http://example.com我看到了替换的内容:

But when I open https://example.com (or any https url), it fails, ending with ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE : 但是,当我打开https://example.com (或任何https网址)时,它失败,并以ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE结尾:

How can I add https support for my proxy server, or at least make Chrome bypass the https urls to http ? 如何添加对代理服务器的https支持,或至少使Chrome浏览器将https网址绕过http

I tried running the Chrome process using --ignore-certificate-errors and --allow-insecure-content , but they didn't help. 我尝试使用--ignore-certificate-errors--allow-insecure-content运行Chrome进程,但它们没有帮助。

I'm not primary interested to have a strong https-related security, but I want to proxy these https requests through my server and send the responses on the client. 我对拥有与https相关的强大安全性并不感兴趣,但是我想通过我的服务器代理这些https请求并在客户端上发送响应。

It looks like proxy-tamper has no functionality for https requests. 似乎代理篡改不支持https请求。 It only supports http (as of writing this and looking at the documentation). 它仅支持http(在编写本文和查看文档时)。

You could use the package node-http-proxy instead. 您可以改用node-http-proxy软件包。 There's a nice section on supporting https here . 有一个关于支持HTTPS一个很好的部分在这里

Edit Can someone verify whether you can actually change https response bodies server side? 编辑有人可以验证您是否可以实际更改https响应正文服务器端吗? Won't this information technically be encrypted? 从技术上讲,此信息不会加密吗? Isn't decryption on the server technically breaching the protocol and not allowed? 服务器上的解密在技术上是否违反协议并且被禁止?

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