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[英]Multi-level Accordion Menu: Its possible to open each level with an anchor?

I have a Multi-Level Accordion Menu - from a FAQ - with 2 levels. 我有一个多层次手风琴菜单-来自FAQ-有2个级别。

Each level have a 13 Questions / Answers. 每个级别都有13个问题/答案。

My problem: 我的问题:

  • One of the Questions/Answers have a lot of information. 问题/答案之一有很多信息。 (almost 10 pages). (近10页)。
  • The other Questions/Answers have 3, 4 lines of information each. 其他问题/答案分别具有3、4行信息。
  • The Question with many information is number 7. 信息众多的问题是号码7。

Then When I click on question 7 - the answer 7 is open. 然后,当我单击问题7时-答案7已打开。 with many information, and the user must scroll down the page to read all. 包含许多信息,用户必须向下滚动页面才能阅读全部内容。

Until here, OK. 直到这里,确定。 no problem. 没问题。

but at end - If I click on Question 8 - to read the answer, the menu closes question 7 (ok) - open question 8 (ok) - but the page still in the footer - the page dont scrolls up with the faq.. 但最后-如果我单击问题8-阅读答案,菜单将关闭问题7(确定)-打开问题8(确定)-但页面仍在页脚中-该页面不会随常见问题向上滚动。

With all other questions - because they are small - I can see in same screen almost all 13 questions + the answer opened. 对于所有其他问题-因为它们很小-我可以在同一屏幕上看到几乎所有13个问题+答案已打开。

With question 7 - no. 问题7-不。 the page scrolls down and don't scrolls up - when we close the question 7. 页面向下滚动而不向上滚动-当我们关闭问题7。

There is a way to solve this? 有办法解决吗? I think I need to create an anchor for each question.. 我想我需要为每个问题创建一个锚点。

Tks a lot! Tks很多!

https://jsfiddle.net/27sdLvmh/ https://jsfiddle.net/27sdLvmh/

  • Please, click on Question 7, scrool down to read the answer and then click on question 8. the menu scrolls up - but the screen no.. and the user was lost in the footer of the page.. :D 请单击问题7,向下滚动以阅读答案,然后单击问题8。菜单向上滚动-但屏幕编号..用户迷失在页面的页脚中..:D


;(function ( $, window, document, undefined ) {

    var pluginName = 'accordion',
        defaults = {
            transitionSpeed: 300,
            transitionEasing: 'ease',
            controlElement: '[data-control]',
            contentElement: '[data-content]',
            groupElement: '[data-accordion-group]',
            singleOpen: true

    function Accordion(element, options) {
        this.element = element;
        this.options = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
        this._defaults = defaults;
        this._name = pluginName;

    Accordion.prototype.init = function () {
        var self = this,
            opts = self.options;

        var $accordion = $(self.element),
            $controls = $accordion.find('> ' + opts.controlElement),
            $content =  $accordion.find('> ' + opts.contentElement);

        var accordionParentsQty = $accordion.parents('[data-accordion]').length,
            accordionHasParent = accordionParentsQty > 0;

        var closedCSS = { 'max-height': 0, 'overflow': 'hidden' };

        var CSStransitions = supportsTransitions();

        function debounce(func, threshold, execAsap) {
            var timeout;

            return function debounced() {
                var obj = this,
                    args = arguments;

                function delayed() {
                    if (!execAsap) func.apply(obj, args);
                    timeout = null;

                if (timeout) clearTimeout(timeout);
                else if (execAsap) func.apply(obj, args);

                timeout = setTimeout(delayed, threshold || 100);

        function supportsTransitions() {
            var b = document.body || document.documentElement,
                s = b.style,
                p = 'transition';

            if (typeof s[p] == 'string') {
                return true;

            var v = ['Moz', 'webkit', 'Webkit', 'Khtml', 'O', 'ms'];

            p = 'Transition';

            for (var i=0; i<v.length; i++) {
                if (typeof s[v[i] + p] == 'string') {
                    return true;

            return false;

        function requestAnimFrame(cb) {
            if(window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame) {
                return  requestAnimationFrame(cb) ||
                        webkitRequestAnimationFrame(cb) ||
            } else {
                return setTimeout(cb, 1000 / 60);

        function toggleTransition($el, remove) {
            if(!remove) {
                    '-webkit-transition': 'max-height ' + opts.transitionSpeed + 'ms ' + opts.transitionEasing,
                    'transition': 'max-height ' + opts.transitionSpeed + 'ms ' + opts.transitionEasing
            } else {
                    '-webkit-transition': '',
                    'transition': ''

        function calculateHeight($el) {
            var height = 0;

            $el.children().each(function() {
                height = height + $(this).outerHeight(true);

            $el.data('oHeight', height);

        function updateParentHeight($parentAccordion, $currentAccordion, qty, operation) {
            var $content = $parentAccordion.filter('.open').find('> [data-content]'),
                $childs = $content.find('[data-accordion].open > [data-content]'),

            if(!opts.singleOpen) {
                $childs = $childs.not($currentAccordion.siblings('[data-accordion].open').find('> [data-content]'));

            $matched = $content.add($childs);

            if($parentAccordion.hasClass('open')) {
                $matched.each(function() {
                    var currentHeight = $(this).data('oHeight');

                    switch (operation) {
                        case '+':
                            $(this).data('oHeight', currentHeight + qty);
                        case '-':
                            $(this).data('oHeight', currentHeight - qty);
                            throw 'updateParentHeight method needs an operation';

                    $(this).css('max-height', $(this).data('oHeight'));

        function refreshHeight($accordion) {
            if($accordion.hasClass('open')) {
                var $content = $accordion.find('> [data-content]'),
                    $childs = $content.find('[data-accordion].open > [data-content]'),
                    $matched = $content.add($childs);


                $matched.css('max-height', $matched.data('oHeight'));

        function closeAccordion($accordion, $content) {

            if(CSStransitions) {
                if(accordionHasParent) {
                    var $parentAccordions = $accordion.parents('[data-accordion]');

                    updateParentHeight($parentAccordions, $accordion, $content.data('oHeight'), '-');


            } else {
                $content.css('max-height', $content.data('oHeight'));

                $content.animate(closedCSS, opts.transitionSpeed);


        function openAccordion($accordion, $content) {
            if(CSStransitions) {

                if(accordionHasParent) {
                    var $parentAccordions = $accordion.parents('[data-accordion]');

                    updateParentHeight($parentAccordions, $accordion, $content.data('oHeight'), '+');

                requestAnimFrame(function() {
                    $content.css('max-height', $content.data('oHeight'));

            } else {
                    'max-height': $content.data('oHeight')
                }, opts.transitionSpeed, function() {
                    $content.css({'max-height': 'none'});


        function closeSiblingAccordions($accordion) {
            var $accordionGroup = $accordion.closest(opts.groupElement);

            var $siblings = $accordion.siblings('[data-accordion]').filter('.open'),
                $siblingsChildren = $siblings.find('[data-accordion]').filter('.open');

            var $otherAccordions = $siblings.add($siblingsChildren);

            $otherAccordions.each(function() {
                var $accordion = $(this),
                    $content = $accordion.find(opts.contentElement);

                closeAccordion($accordion, $content);


        function toggleAccordion() {
            var isAccordionGroup = (opts.singleOpen) ? $accordion.parents(opts.groupElement).length > 0 : false;


            if(isAccordionGroup) {

            if($accordion.hasClass('open')) {
                closeAccordion($accordion, $content);
            } else {
                openAccordion($accordion, $content);

        function addEventListeners() {
            $controls.on('click', toggleAccordion);

            $controls.on('accordion.toggle', function() {
                if(opts.singleOpen && $controls.length > 1) {
                    return false;


            $(window).on('resize', debounce(function() {

        function setup() {
            $content.each(function() {
                var $curr = $(this);

                if($curr.css('max-height') != 0) {
                    if(!$curr.closest('[data-accordion]').hasClass('open')) {
                        $curr.css({ 'max-height': 0, 'overflow': 'hidden' });
                    } else {

                        $curr.css('max-height', $curr.data('oHeight'));

            if(!$accordion.attr('data-accordion')) {
                $accordion.attr('data-accordion', '');
                $accordion.find(opts.controlElement).attr('data-control', '');
                $accordion.find(opts.contentElement).attr('data-content', '');


    $.fn[pluginName] = function ( options ) {
        return this.each(function () {
            if (!$.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName)) {
                $.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName,
                new Accordion( this, options ));

})( jQuery, window, document );

Hey check this demo 嘿看看这个演示

changes line 191 -> 194 更改第191行-> 194

   $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $content.prev().offset().top }, "fast");

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