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[英]My Folder Migration keeps on failing in Documentum using DFCs

I am working on a JavaFx project connected to Documentum data storage . 我正在研究连接到Documentum数据存储的JavaFx项目。 And I am trying to configure how to move a folder (lets call it folder11) placed in a folder (lets call it Folder1) into another folder (lets call it Folder2) . 我正在尝试配置如何将放置在一个文件夹(称为文件夹Folder1)中的文件夹(称为文件夹Folder1)移动到另一个文件夹(称为文件夹Folder2)中。 It's worth mentioning that both of the Folders are in the same cabinet . 值得一提的是,两个文件夹都在同一柜子中。 I have implemented the following class : 我实现了以下课程:

package application;

import com.documentum.com.DfClientX;
import com.documentum.com.IDfClientX;
import com.documentum.fc.client.DfClient;
import com.documentum.fc.client.IDfDocument;
import com.documentum.fc.client.IDfFolder;
import com.documentum.fc.client.IDfSession;
import com.documentum.fc.common.DfException;
import com.documentum.fc.common.DfId;
import com.documentum.operations.IDfMoveNode;
import com.documentum.operations.IDfMoveOperation;

public class Migrate {
    public Migrate(){}
    public String move ( IDfSession mySession,String docId, String destination){
        String str ="";

              IDfClientX clientx = new DfClientX();

              IDfMoveOperation mo = clientx . getMoveOperation();

              IDfFolder destinationDirectory = mySession . getFolderByPath(destination);

              mo.setDestinationFolderId(destinationDirectory . getObjectId());

              IDfFolder doc = (IDfFolder) mySession . getObject(new DfId(docId));

              //System.out.println(doc); The output is : com.documentum.fc.client.DfFolder___PROXY@ec9178
              //System.out.println(mo.execute); output is : true
              IDfMoveNode node = (IDfMoveNode)mo.add(doc);
             // System.out.println(node);  the output : com.documentum.operations.nodes.impl.DfMoveNode@1ad8a67
              //System.out.println(mo.execute); output is : false

                 if (!mo.execute()) {
                     str= "Move operation faild . ";
                     else {
                     str = "Move operation success . ";
        }catch(DfException e){
        }catch(Exception e){


    return str;



And here is how I call it : 这就是我所说的:

 Migrate test = new Migrate();
 System.out.println(test.move(_session, "0b01b66980028599" ,"Cabinet/LEXOPEDIA/Sateri/Hong Kong" ));

But the problem is no matter what mo.execute always return false and the migration always fails . 但是问题是无论mo.execute总是返回false还是迁移总是失败。 Does any one know where my mistake is ? 有人知道我的错误在哪里吗? :) :)

Do you have correct / adequate permissions for that action? 您是否有正确/适当的操作权限? It seems that you don't call setSourceFolderId() . 似乎您没有调用setSourceFolderId() Check it out. 看看这个。

Also, try to use this concept to check for errors: 另外,尝试使用此概念来检查错误:

private void doMoveOp(ArrayList objList, IDfFolder fromFolder, IDfFolder toFolder ) {

  try {

    // #1 - manufacture an operation
    IDfMoveOperation moveOpObj = cx.getMoveOperation();

    // #2 - add objects to the operation for processing
    for (IDfSysObject sObj : objList) {

    // #3 - set the source and target folder

    // #4 - execute the operation
    boolean result = moveOpObj.execute();

    // #5 - check for errors
    if (!result) {
      IDfList errors = moveOpObj.getErrors();
      for (int i=0; i<errors.getCount(); i++) {
        IDfOperationError err = (IDfOperationError) errors.get(i);
        System.out.println("Error in Move operation: " + err.getErrorCode() + " - " + err.getMessage());
    } else {
      // #6 - get new obj ids
      IDfList newObjs = moveOpObj.getObjects();
        for (int i=0; i<newObjs.getCount(); i++) {
          IDfSysObject sObj = (IDfSysObject) newObjs.get(i);
          System.out.println("\tmoved object " + sObj.getObjectId().toString());

  } catch(Exception e) {
    System.out.println("Exception in Move operation: " + e.getMessage());


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