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[英]unable to return List of dictionary in WCF

I am new in WCF. 我是WCF的新手。 I am trying to return list of dictionary in wcf. 我正在尝试返回wcf中的字典列表。

Here is my code. 这是我的代码。

 public class Service1 : IService1
   public List<Dictionary<string, object>> GetData(string query)
          List<Dictionary<string, object>> rows = new List<Dictionary<string, object>>();
          return rows;


public interface IService1
    List<Dictionary<string, object>> GetData();

If I return return string it will work properly I want to return list like this. 如果我返回return字符串,它将正常工作,我想这样返回列表。

You have to create class and set attribute KnownType . 您必须创建类并设置属性KnownType

[KnownType(typeof(List<Dictionary<string, object>>))]
public class Foo
    public IDictionary<String, Object> Inputs { get; set; }

Now instead List<Dictionary<string, object>> use List<Foo> You can do like this sample. 现在List<Dictionary<string, object>>使用List<Foo>代替List<Dictionary<string, object>>使用此示例。

IService 服务

   [WebInvoke(Method = "GET",
   ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json,
   BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Bare,
   UriTemplate = "GetData")]
    List<Foo> GetData();

Service 服务

    public List<Foo> GetData()
        List<Foo> rows = new List<Foo>();
        var x = new Dictionary<string, object>();
        x.Add("zzz", "zzz");
        x.Add("aaa", "aaa");
        var z = new Foo();
       z.Inputs = x;

        return rows;


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