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[英]get canvas mouse position on canvas

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Getting the mouse position on the canvas nearly works fine. 使鼠标在画布上的位置几乎可以正常工作。

My window size is 800 x 600 我的视窗大小是800 x 600

My canvas size is 400 x 300 : 我的画布大小是400 x 300

canvas.width = 400;
canvas.height = 300;

My canvas css size is 100% x 100% : 我的画布css大小是100% x 100%

canvas {width: 100vw; height: 100vh;}

The problem is: if my mouse is in the middle of the canvas I get this mouse position: 400, 300 . 问题是:如果我的鼠标在画布中间,我会得到以下鼠标位置: 400, 300 If my window size was 1600 x 1200 I would get 800, 600 . 如果我的窗口大小是1600 x 1200我将得到800, 600

I would like to get the canvas position of the mouse. 我想获取鼠标的画布位置。 What I mean by this, is I'm looking to get 200, 150 , regardless of the window size. 我的意思是,无论窗口大小如何,我都希望得到200, 150

How would I do this? 我该怎么做? Thank's for the help. 谢谢您的帮助。

You have to create conversion from model coordinates to screen coordinates and back. 您必须创建从模型坐标到屏幕坐标再返回的转换。 Here is good explanation for it: http://www.ckollars.org/canvas-two-coordinate-scales.html 这是一个很好的解释: http : //www.ckollars.org/canvas-two-coordinate-scales.html

You could paste this into your code. 您可以将此粘贴到您的代码中。

function getMousePos(e){
    var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
    //this gets your canvas size.
    return {
        x: Math.round(e.clientX - rect.left),
        y: Math.round(e.clientY - rect.top)
function mousePos(e){
    var pos = getMousePos(e);
    var mouseX = pos.x;
    var mouseY = pos.y;

then you could just reference the mouseX and mouseY somewhere else. 那么您可以在其他地方引用mouseX和mouseY。

//enter the rest of your code here.

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