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[英]NG2: How can I access parent component generically?

Before I begin please note that I originally asked this question as a feature request at the angular2 github site.在开始之前请注意,我最初是在 angular2 github 站点上作为功能请求提出这个问题的。 However the request was closed and I was advised to post it here.然而,该请求已关闭,我被建议将其张贴在这里。 Here I am just repeating my initial request.在这里,我只是重复我最初的要求。 However you can find some discussion by following the link: https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/10448但是,您可以通过以下链接找到一些讨论: https : //github.com/angular/angular/issues/10448

I need the ability to obtain a reference to the parent component generically without the child having to know the type of the parent component.我需要能够获得对父组件的引用,而子组件不必知道父组件的类型。 Basically I need something like this (pseudocode):基本上我需要这样的东西(伪代码):

        template: '<child></child>'
        directives: [Child]
    class ParentComponent{}

    @Component({ selector: 'child' })
    class ChildComponent{
        constructor(@Parent() _parent: any){}

Basically I need the _parent field of the ChildComponent to reference the ParentComponent .基本上我需要ChildComponent_parent字段来引用ParentComponent But notice how the type of _parent is any .但是请注意_parent的类型是any It's any because it can be any, literally.它是any因为它可以是任何,字面意思。 ChildComponent is a generic component that can be used by any type of other component. ChildComponent是一个通用组件,可以被任何类型的其他组件使用。 I know there are solutions out there for this problem but they all entail the child knowing the type of the parent.我知道有解决这个问题的方法,但它们都需要孩子知道父母的类型。 It goes something like this:它是这样的:

    @Component({ selector: 'child' })
    class ChildComponent{
        constructor(_parent: ParentComponent){}

But again, this will not work for me because ChildComponent can be used in any type of other component, and neither one knows the type of the other.但同样,这对我不起作用,因为ChildComponent可以用于任何类型的其他组件,并且没有人知道另一个的类型。 So what I need is some generic way to inject into ChildComponent its parent component, as set in the component tree, without ChildComponent knowing the parent type.所以我需要的是一些通用的方法将其父组件注入ChildComponent ,如组件树中设置的那样,而ChildComponent不知道父类型。 Does anyone know how I can accomplish this?有谁知道我怎么能做到这一点?

You can use Injector API for the same.您可以使用Injector API

For Angular2 latest release and older versions:对于 Angular2 最新版本和旧版本:

import { Injector } from '@angular/core';
import {AppComponent} from "./app.component";

@Component({ selector: 'child' })
class ChildComponent{
     constructor(private inj:Injector){
         let parentComponent = this.inj.get(AppComponent);

Using @Input and a little trick to send the this of the parent to the child.使用@Input和一个小技巧将父对象的this发送给子对象。 I guess you can do it the other way around also, to access child from parent via an @Output我想你也可以@Output通过@Output从父级访问子@Output

Parent Component父组件

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

    selector: 'app-root',
    template: '<app-child [parnt]="var2"></app-child>',
    style: ''
export class AppComponent {
    title = 'app works!';
    var1 = "val1";
    var2 = this;

Child Component子组件

import { Component, Input, EventEmitter, OnInit } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-child',
  template: '{{parnt.var1}}',
  style: ''
export class ChildComponent implements OnInit {
  @Input() parnt;

You should see "val1" printed, the value of the var1 of the parent printed in the child template.您应该会看到“val1”打印出来,即子模板中打印的父级 var1 的值。

Thanks to @yurzui for leading me in the right direction... In the end I found a couple of different ways... unfortunately all involve accessing private members which is less than ideal... If anyone knows of a better way, please speak up... thank you感谢@yurzui 带领我走向正确的方向......最后我找到了几种不同的方法......不幸的是,所有方法都涉及访问不太理想的私人成员......如果有人知道更好的方法,请说出来……谢谢

 constructor(private vcRef: ViewContainerRef){
    var parentComponent1 = this.vcRef.injector._view.context;
    var parentComponent2 = this.vcRef._element.parentView.context;
    console.log(parentComponent1 === parentComponent2);

Here is how to make it work.这是使其工作的方法。

    selector: 'child'
class ChildComponent{
    constructor( @Optional() public myParent: ParentComponent ){}

You can find more info in Angular DI docs您可以在Angular DI 文档中找到更多信息

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