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Kubernetes Job无法识别Pod中的fsGroup

[英]Kubernetes Job not recognizing fsGroup in Pod

I've tried to add fsGroup to a Job with no luck, the generated Pod doesn't include the fsGroup in the security context. 我试图将fsGroup添加到Job没有运气,生成的Pod在安全上下文中不包含fsGroup。 Does a Kube Job allow for the fsGroup to be specified and then propagated to the generated Pod? Kube作业是否允许指定fsGroup然后传播到生成的Pod?

I'm using Kubernetes 1.4 and successfully created a job with fsGroup . 我正在使用Kubernetes 1.4并成功创建了一个fsGroup的工作。 Maybe you misplaced fsGroup in your manifest? 也许你在你的清单中放错了fsGroup This is my manifest: 这是我的表现:

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: hello-world
      name: hello-world
        - name: hello-world-container
          image: hello-world
        fsGroup: 1234
      restartPolicy: OnFailure

Output from kubectl describe job hello-world : kubectl describe job hello-world输出kubectl describe job hello-world

  FirstSeen LastSeen    Count   From            SubobjectPath   Type        Reason          Message
  --------- --------    -----   ----            -------------   --------    ------          -------
  4m        4m      1   {job-controller }           Normal      SuccessfulCreate    Created pod: hello-world-yzyz7

Output from kubectl get pod hello-world-yzyz7 -o yaml | grep fsGroup 来自kubectl get pod hello-world-yzyz7 -o yaml | grep fsGroup输出kubectl get pod hello-world-yzyz7 -o yaml | grep fsGroup kubectl get pod hello-world-yzyz7 -o yaml | grep fsGroup : kubectl get pod hello-world-yzyz7 -o yaml | grep fsGroup

    fsGroup: 1234

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