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[英]windows store submission issue

When i am submitted my app to store i am getting following error from windows store after the splash screen launch: 当我将我的应用程序提交给存储时,启动屏幕启动后,Windows存储中出现以下错误:

Locations: MMRevamp_2016_1.1.0.0_x86_x64_arm.appxbundle Tested OSes: Windows.Universal 位置:MMRevamp_2016_1.1.0.0_x86_x64_arm.appxbundle经测试的操作系统:Windows.Universal

Notes To Developer: The app silently terminates at launch. 给开发人员的说明:该应用程序在启动时会自动终止。

Steps to Reproduce: 1. Launch the app. 重现步骤:1.启动应用程序。 2. Notice that the app silently terminates at launch. 2.请注意,该应用程序在启动时会自动终止。

Tip: A Windows app may run flawlessly during development and testing, but after submitting it for certification testing, the app may crash or perform unexpectedly. 提示:Windows应用程序在开发和测试过程中可以正常运行,但是在将其提交进行认证测试后,该应用程序可能崩溃或性能异常。 Along these same lines, your app may not perform as expected after publication. 同样,发布后,您的应用程序可能无法达到预期的效果。 This resource, http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2859130 , explains the most common reasons for this along with remedies. 此资源http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2859130 ,解释了最常见的原因以及补救措施。

I am developing windows 10 universal app and i have submitted release mode build and with successful windows app certification process. 我正在开发Windows 10通用应用程序,并且我已提交发布模式版本并具有成功的Windows应用程序认证过程。 What needs to do for this type of issue? 这种类型的问题需要做什么? Any help. 任何帮助。 Thank you. 谢谢。

In addition to the tip from Store, I think that maybe the device the tester use is different from yours or there can be some setting missing on the tester's device. 除了来自Store的提示外,我认为测试仪使用的设备可能与您使用的设备不同,或者测试仪的设备上可能缺少某些设置。

Also, if your app provides the service that need username/password to log in, you might need to give a testing pair for certification. 另外,如果您的应用提供了需要用户名/密码登录的服务,则可能需要提供测试对以进行认证。

I would like to suggest you to provide a hosted video of the app's functionality working properly in the notes for certification when you resubmit your app. 我建议您在重新提交应用程序时,在认证说明中提供有关该应用程序功能正常运行的托管视频。 You could demonstrate how to test your app properly so that the tester can see your app perform well and know how to test it properly. 您可以演示如何正确测试您的应用程序,以便测试人员可以看到您的应用程序性能良好,并且知道如何正确测试它。

If you still cannot pass certification, you might try sending email to reportapp@microsoft.com with your publisher name and application id to have a closer look at your app with the assistance of that team. 如果仍然无法通过认证,则可以尝试使用您的发布者名称和应用程序ID将电子邮件发送到reportapp@microsoft.com,以便在该团队的帮助下仔细查看您的应用程序。

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