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[英]ODBC error while accessing drill through python

I get the below error while I try to use drill through python: 当我尝试通过python钻取时出现以下错误:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/ubuntu/ChurnPrediction/OBDCtest.py", line 5, in <module> conn = pyodbc.connect("DSN=drill64", autocommit=True) pyodbc.Error: ('01000', "[01000] [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Can't open lib '/opt/mapr/drillodbc/lib/64/libmaprdrillodbc64.so' : file not found (0) (SQLDriverConnect)") [Finished in 0.3s with exit code 1]

Below is the sample code: 下面是示例代码:

import pyodbc from pandas import * conn = pyodbc.connect("DSN=drill64", autocommit=True) print conn

Below is additional information on running iodbctest: 以下是有关运行iodbctest的其他信息:

root@ubuntu-Vostro-1450:/home/ubuntu# iodbctest iODBC Demonstration program This program shows an interactive SQL processor Driver Manager: 03.52.0709.0909 root @ ubuntu-Vostro-1450:/ home / ubuntu#iodbctest iODBC演示程序此程序显示一个交互式SQL处理器驱动程序管理器:03.52.0709.0909

Enter ODBC connect string (? shows list): ? 输入ODBC连接字符串(?显示列表):?

DSN | DSN | Driver 司机

Sample MapR Drill DSN 32 | MapR Drill DSN 32示例| MapR Drill ODBC Driver 32-bit MapR Drill ODBC驱动程序32位
Sample MapR Drill DSN 64 | MapR Drill DSN 64示例| MapR Drill ODBC Driver 64-bit MapR Drill ODBC驱动程序64位

Enter ODBC connect string (? shows list): Sample MapR Drill DSN 64 1: SQLDriverConnect = [iODBC][Driver Manager]libdrillClient.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (0) SQLSTATE=00000 2: SQLDriverConnect = [iODBC][Driver Manager]Specified driver could not be loaded (0) SQLSTATE=IM003 输入ODBC连接字符串(?显示列表):示例MapR Drill DSN 64 1:SQLDriverConnect = [iODBC] [Driver Manager] libdrillClient.so:无法打开共享对象文件:无此类文件或目录(0)SQLSTATE = 00000 2:SQLDriverConnect = [iODBC] [驱动程序管理器]指定的驱动程序无法加载(0)SQLSTATE = IM003

I think you probably need to set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH, like this: 我认为您可能需要设置LD_LIBRARY_PATH,如下所示:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/mapr/drillodbc/lib/64

Then you should not see any "not found" errors when running this command: 然后,在运行此命令时,您应该不会看到任何“未找到”错误:

ldd /opt/mapr/drillodbc/lib/64/libmaprdrillodbc64.so

Here are all the steps I used to install Drill on Ubuntu: 这是我在Ubuntu上安装Drill的所有步骤:

First download and install the latest MapR ODBC rpm, like this: 首先下载并安装最新的MapR ODBC rpm,如下所示:

wget http://package.mapr.com/tools/MapR-ODBC/MapR_Drill/MapRDrill_odbc_v1.3.0.1009/maprdrill-
rpm2cpio maprdrill- | cpio -idmv
sudo mv opt/mapr/drill /opt/mapr/drillodbc
cd /opt/mapr/drillodbc/Setup
cp mapr.drillodbc.ini ~/.mapr.drillodbc.ini
cp odbc.ini ~/.odbc.ini
cp odbcinst.ini ~/.odbcinst.ini
# Edit the properties in those ini files according to your needs
# Put the following exports also in ~/.bashrc
export ODBCINI=~/.odbc.ini
export MAPRDRILLINI=~/.mapr.drillodbc.ini
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:/opt/mapr/drillodbc/lib/64:/usr/lib64

Then update those .ini files, accordingly. 然后相应地更新那些.ini文件。 Here is how I setup my ini files to connect to Drill: 这是我设置ini文件以连接到Drill的方法:

odbc.ini: odbc.ini:


[ODBC Data Sources]
MapR Drill 64-bit=MapR Drill ODBC Driver 64-bit

# This key is not necessary and is only to give a description of the data source.
Description=MapR Drill ODBC Driver (64-bit) DSN

# Driver: The location where the ODBC driver is installed to.

# The DriverUnicodeEncoding setting is only used for SimbaDM
# When set to 1, SimbaDM runs in UTF-16 mode.
# When set to 2, SimbaDM runs in UTF-8 mode.

# Values for ConnectionType, AdvancedProperties, Catalog, Schema should be set here.
# If ConnectionType is Direct, include Host and Port. If ConnectionType is ZooKeeper, include ZKQuorum and ZKClusterID
# They can also be specified on the connection string.
# AuthenticationType: No authentication; Basic Authentication
ZKQuorum=[Zookeeper Quorum]
ZKClusterID=[Cluster ID]
AuthenticationType=No Authentication

odbcinst.ini: odbcinst.ini:

[ODBC Drivers]

MapR Drill ODBC Driver 32-bit=Installed
MapR Drill ODBC Driver 64-bit=Installed

[MapR Drill ODBC Driver 32-bit]
Description=MapR Drill ODBC Driver(32-bit)

[MapR Drill ODBC Driver 64-bit]
Description=MapR Drill ODBC Driver(64-bit)

mapr.drillodbc.ini mapr.drillodbc.ini



Finally, if you've installed and configured the ODBC driver correctly, then the command python -c 'import pyodbc; print(pyodbc.dataSources()); print(pyodbc.connect("DSN=drill64", autocommit=True))' 最后,如果您已正确安装和配置了ODBC驱动程序,则命令python -c 'import pyodbc; print(pyodbc.dataSources()); print(pyodbc.connect("DSN=drill64", autocommit=True))' python -c 'import pyodbc; print(pyodbc.dataSources()); print(pyodbc.connect("DSN=drill64", autocommit=True))' python -c 'import pyodbc; print(pyodbc.dataSources()); print(pyodbc.connect("DSN=drill64", autocommit=True))' should output information like this: python -c 'import pyodbc; print(pyodbc.dataSources()); print(pyodbc.connect("DSN=drill64", autocommit=True))'应该输出如下信息:

{'ODBC': '', 'drill64': '/opt/mapr/drillodbc/lib/64/libdrillodbc_sb64.so'} <pyodbc.Connection object at 0x7f5ec4a20200>

For more information about setting up Apache Drill, check out this blog post: http://www.bigendiandata.com/2017-05-01-Apache_Drill/ . 有关设置Apache Drill的更多信息,请查看此博客文章: http : //www.bigendiandata.com/2017-05-01-Apache_Drill/

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