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如何在我的Win32应用程序中使用Desktop Bridge(百年纪念项目)转换为UWP的情况下测试商店许可证?

[英]How to test store license in my Win32 app converted to UWP using Desktop Bridge (Project Centennial)?

I have converted my Win32 app written with C/C++/MFC into a UWP app using Desktop Bridge . 我已经使用Desktop Bridge将用C / C ++ / MFC编写的Win32应用程序转换为UWP应用程序。 The app will be published in the store under trial license . 该应用程序将在trial license下在商店中trial license I found this code that illustrates how to check for trial license, its expiration, etc using StoreAppLicense class. 找到了这段代码该代码说明了如何使用StoreAppLicense类检查试用许可证,许可证的到期时间等。

My issue is how to test it? 我的问题是如何测试?

My app is built in the older version of VS that did not have a concept of the Windows Store. 我的应用程序是在没有Windows应用商店概念的VS的较旧版本中构建的。

My issue is how to test it 我的问题是如何测试

There are two namespaces related to IAP function: Windows.Services.Store and Windows.ApplicationModel.Store . 有两个与IAP功能相关的命名空间: Windows.Services.StoreWindows.ApplicationModel.Store

If use the Windows.ApplicationModel.Store namespace, these apps can use the CurrentAppSimulator class to simulate license info during testing. 如果使用Windows.ApplicationModel.Store命名空间,则这些应用程序可以使用CurrentAppSimulator类在测试过程中模拟许可证信息。 See In-app purchases and trials using the Windows.ApplicationModel.Store namespace 请参阅使用Windows.ApplicationModel.Store命名空间的应用内购买和试用

While the Windows.Services.Store namespace doesn't have a class to do so. 尽管Windows.Services.Store命名空间没有类可以这样做。

Please see the testing guidance 请参阅测试指南

The Windows.Services.Store namespace does not provide a class that you can use to simulate license info during testing. Windows.Services.Store命名空间不提供可用于在测试期间模拟许可证信息的类。 Instead, you must publish an app to the Store and download that app to your development device to use its license for testing . 相反,您必须将应用程序发布到商店并将该应用程序下载到您的开发设备,以使用其许可证进行测试 This is a different experience from apps that use the Windows.ApplicationModel.Store namespace, as these apps can use the CurrentAppSimulator class to simulate license info during testing 这与使用Windows.ApplicationModel.Store命名空间的应用程序不同,因为这些应用程序可以在测试过程中使用CurrentAppSimulator类来模拟许可证信息。

(Update 10/21/2016) (更新10/21/2016)

I'm not clear about your development device sentence though. 我不清楚您的开发设备语句。 The app is developed on a Windows 8.1 device and is uploaded via a Chrome browser 该应用程序是在Windows 8.1设备上开发的,并通过Chrome浏览器上传

That sentence is quoted from this document 该句子引自本文件

It means we need to convert the Win32 application to Converted UWP app and upload to the Store first, even though we have not implemented the IAP function. 这意味着即使我们没有实现IAP功能,也需要将Win32应用程序转换为Converted UWP应用程序并首先上传到商店。

Is there a way to manually associate an app with a Windows desktop? 有没有办法将应用程序与Windows桌面手动关联?

Sure, please see Create your app by reserving a name 当然,请参阅通过保留名称来创建您的应用

Here is a screenshot of App identity of a uwp app on the Windows Dev Center 这是Windows开发人员中心上uwp应用程序的应用程序身份的屏幕截图


Note, please fill this form if you need to upload a Converted UWP app: LINK 请注意,如果您需要上传转换后的UWP应用,请填写以下表格: LINK

This request needs several business days to get response. 此请求需要几个工作日才能得到答复。


声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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