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以编程方式编辑 Drupal 节点中的图像

[英]Edit images in a Drupal node programmatically

I'm trying to import data into a Drupal 8 everyday and I'm blocked at the point where I need to update images.我每天都在尝试将数据导入 Drupal 8,但在需要更新图像时被阻止。 So I've got a Image field which contains unlimited images.所以我有一个包含无限图像的图像字段。

When I first import images, I'm creating them and adding them to the node field_images field.当我第一次导入图像时,我正在创建它们并将它们添加到节点 field_images 字段。 The adding is working.添加正在工作。

$entity = Node::create(
  field_images => [$file1],

When there's a node update, I need to replace every changed value of this node.当有节点更新时,我需要替换此节点的每个更改值。 This code is working perfectly这段代码运行良好

$node = Node::load(1);

Now this doesn't work when I enable translations as it edits only the default value.现在当我启用翻译时这不起作用,因为它只编辑默认值。 See this debugger image when I reload this updated node:当我重新加载这个更新的节点时,看到这个调试器图像:


How could I update all translations too ?我怎样才能更新所有翻译?

You need to do something like this:你需要做这样的事情:

     'field_image' => 
        'target_id' => $values['image'][0],
        'alt' => $values['title'],


$node->field_images->de->target_id = $file->id();

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