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LinkedIn API:是否可以为一个用户同时拥有多个访问令牌?

[英]LinkedIn API: Is it possible to have more than one access token for a user active at the same time?

I'm developing an integration with LinkedIn for my company, and I'm noticing this behavior when switching between different development environments:我正在为我的公司开发与 LinkedIn 的集成,并且在不同的开发环境之间切换时我注意到了这种行为:

  1. I have an active LinkedIn account on EnvA我在 EnvA 上有一个活跃的 LinkedIn 帐户
  2. I authorize the same LinkedIn account on EnvB我在 EnvB 上授权同一个 LinkedIn 帐户
  3. The account on EnvA is immediately denied on all API requests with an error of "Unable to verify access token" EnvA 上的帐户在所有 API 请求上立即被拒绝,并显示“无法验证访问令牌”错误

So it seems like there can only be one active access token per LinkedIn user at one time?那么似乎每个 LinkedIn 用户一次只能有一个活动访问令牌? Is it correct behavior for an existing access token to become invalid upon generation of a new one, even if the other access token is on a different domain?即使另一个访问令牌在不同的域中,现有访问令牌在生成新访问令牌时变为无效的行为是否正确?



Requesting a new access token for a user invalidates any existing tokens.为用户请求新的访问令牌会使任何现有令牌无效。 You can only have one functional token per app per user at a time.每个用户一次只能为每个应用程序拥有一个功能令牌。

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