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wordpress webstie 限制或阻止,只有注册用户才能查看网站

[英]wordpress webstie restriction or blocking, only registred users can view the website

I am creating a website on top wordpress,我正在顶级 wordpress 上创建一个网站,

The reason to use wordpress is that, We want to restrict or block the entire site, Only registered people should be able to access the site that too after verification,使用 wordpress 的原因是,我们要限制或阻止整个站点,只有注册的人才能在验证后访问该站点,

Can anybody help me choosing the right plugins to achieve this.任何人都可以帮助我选择正确的插件来实现这一目标。

Note : the site will be similar to a membership website, but the users who are going to use this are not paying, We just want to allow only people whom we approve.注意:该网站将类似于会员网站,但将要使用它的用户不付费,我们只想只允许我们批准的人。

Example: The steps are the one we are looking,示例:步骤是我们正在寻找的步骤,

  1. Default page should be Registration page,默认页面应该是注册页面,
  2. Once Registered, Email verification has to be done by clicking the link in the Email ID giving during registration,注册后,必须通过单击注册期间提供的电子邮件 ID 中的链接来完成电子邮件验证,
  3. Post verification, Email with log-in page link along with username & password goes to the user's registered Email ID,验证后,带有登录页面链接以及用户名和密码的电子邮件会发送到用户注册的电子邮件 ID,
  4. User logs-in using the username and password,用户使用用户名和密码登录,
  5. User is able to view the entire site用户可以查看整个站点


Thanks Ashok谢谢阿肖克

Check this plugin : https://fr.wordpress.org/plugins/wp-user-frontend/检查这个插件: https : //fr.wordpress.org/plugins/wp-user-frontend/

It's the best to make membership / private page / registration page and etc.. and he is the most documented plugin on this.最好制作会员/私人页面/注册页面等。他是这方面记录最多的插件。

Have fun and welcome on Wordpress :)在 Wordpress 上玩得开心并欢迎:)

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